
Monday, November 29, 2010

BR 2-09: The Magic Pear Tree

This story is about selfish Shen, a hungry beggar, a kind woman, some yummy pears and a little bit of magic. Shen lived in a little house with a big garden. There was a tree in the garden. The tree grew sweet, golden pears. There were too many pears for Shen, but he did not want to share them.

He tried to sell the pears. Shen took a box of the pears to the market. A beggar stopped to look. The beggar wanted the pears, but he did not have money. Shen shouted, and the beggar ran away. A kind woman heard Shen shouting. She bought a pear and gave it to him. She is very kind. He ate the pear quickly. He spat out the seeds.

The beggar dug a hole and dropped in the seeds. A tea seller gave him a teapot. The beggar poured hot tea into the hole. Then, shoot grew and grew. It grew into a tree, with green leaves and golden pears. The beggar picked a pear and gave it to the woman. She said happily. The beggar also gave the pears to the crowd. Soon the tree was bare. When no one was watching the beggar, he chopped down the tree and strolled away. Shen yelled that it was a trick. But the crowd just laughed.

Ward, M. (2009). The Magic Pear Tree. America: Usborne Publishing Ltd..

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BR 2-08: Danny The Dragon

This is a story about a dragon, some villagers, a salesman and a gang of robbers. Danny the dragon lived in some woods, besides a tiny village. Some dragons are scary, but Danny was friendly. Everyone in the village liked Danny. The villagers greet Danny. Danny also greets the villages.

Each night, he visited every villager. He lit their fires. HE cooked their food. He lit their candles as it grew dark. The villagers appreciated him. Then he went home, feeling happy.

One day, a stranger came to the village. The stranger sold Mr. Marvo’s magic fire sticks. The villagers had never seen magic fire sticks before. They can light fires when you are cold. They can cook food when you are hungry. Then they can light candles when it gets dark. The villagers were amazed. They bought all the magic fire sticks on the wagon.
That night, Danny visited the villagers as usual. Everyone did not need a dragon any more. He walked into the woods and tried not to cry.

At that moment, a gang of robbers was passing the village. The robbers stormed into the village. They pushed the3 villagers away from their fires. They snatched away their food. And they carried away their candles. In the woods, Danny heard the cries of the villagers. He ran out of the wood and into the village. He set their beards on fire and toasted their feet. And he burned their bottoms. The robbers ran off and were never seen again. The villagers appreciated his sprint. The thankful villagers gave Danny his job back.

Gordon, M. (2008). The Boy Who Cried Wolf. America: Usborne Publishing Ltd..

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BR 2-07: The Boy Who Cried Wolf

This story is about Sam, some sheep, the villagers and a wolf. Sam lived in a little village in the mountains. Every day he took the sheep from the village up the hill to a grassy meadow. He watched them from morning until evening. Then he took them home again. Sam was so bored and he was lonely because every day was the same. All his friends played in the village. Nobody ever came up the hill.

One day, he had an idea. He ran down the hill to the village. Then, he said that a wolf has come out of the forest. Everyone ran up the hill with him. Of course, there was no wolf. The villagers were angry, but Sam just laughed.

A few days later, Sam was bored again. He ran down the hill to the village. Then, he said that a wolf has come out of the forest. Some people did not believe him, but most ran up the hill to see. Of course, there was no wolf. Everyone was very angry, but Sam just laughed.

A week later, Sam was bored again. He ran down the hill to the village. Most people did not believe him. Just a few ran up the hill. Of course, there was no wolf. Now everyone was furious, but Sam laughed and laughed.

A few days later, a wolf really came out of the forest. Sam was terrified. He ran down to the village as fast as possible. However, nobody believed him. In the end, Sam had to go back up the hill all alone. The wolf had killed some of the sheep. Finally, the villagers came to find him. Everyone did not believe Sam because he always told lies before. He have learned his lesson never again.

Cottrill, P. (2009). Danny The Dragon. America: Usborne Publishing Ltd..

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Sunday, November 28, 2010

My favorite singer

My favorite singer is Yuko Osima. She is from Tochigi and she is 22 years old. Her birthday is October 17th. She belongs to AKB48. She is a Japanese idol.

I respect her because she is a hard worker and entertainer. I am often fascinated her song, dance and smile. When I see her, I always get energy from her. I like her smile so much.

She is also an actress. She was a child actress before she entered AKB48. She appears ‘Odagirikyoukonouso’. She is president in the play. I am also fascinated with her acting. We can watch this dram at 11 o’clock of Sunday.

I have seen her four times. Her eyes are shine. I see her and I want to say thank you.

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My favorite drama

My favorite drama is Q10. We can watch it at 9 o’clock of Saturday. Main characters are Takeru Sato and Atsuko Maeda. Atsuko Maeda is a robot in the play. Her name is Q10. Takaru Sato is a high school student in the play, and his name is Heita Fukai. When he touched her teeth, she stated moving.

They go to a high school. Q10 learns new language every time. It is so interesting. She often says ‘Pahu’. It is so cute. Heita fell in love with Q10. I was thought a lot of things by this drama. I feltwarmth of man by this drama. If you have never watched Q10, I want you to watch it. I recommend you Q10.

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Sunday, November 21, 2010

My Favorite Sport

My favorite sport is soccer. I have been playing soccer for 12 years. I belong to a soccer club. The soccer club’s name is Kikuyo FC. There are 15 players and 2 coaches in the team. I am just a middle age. But I am a captain. I want to do good team more and more. And we want to win strong teams. Next year, we will have 4 new members. I am looking forward to playing soccer with them. I like soccer the best.

I also like volleyball. I like both playing and watching volleyball. When I was a high school student, I played volleyball with my classmates in PE. I really enjoyed play volleyball. I want to play volleyball with them.

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BR 2-06: The Magic Porridge Pot

This story is about hungry Hannah, and old woman, a greedy boy, a magic pot and a lot of porridge. Hannah never had enough to eat. One day Hannah found some honey in the forest. Then she saw an old woman. The woman was carrying an empty pot. When the woman said the magic words, hot porridge filled the pot. Hannah and the woman ate a delicious meal of porridge and honey. Hannah got the pot from the woman.

From then on, Hannah always had plenty to eat. She had porridge for breakfast, porridge for lunch and porridge for dinner. One evening, a greedy boy smelled the porridge. He followed his nose to Hannah’s cottage. He saw the pot start to fill with porridge, but he did not see it stop.

When Hannah went to bed, he stole the pot and ran home. He could not wait to say the magic words. Steaming porridge filled the pot. Porridge dripped over the sides. Porridge poured onto the floor. He doesn’t know how to stop the pot. Porridge filled the room. The pot didn’t stop. In her bed, Hannah sniffed. She ran away. Porridge was pouring down the street. Hannah shouted the magic words. And at last, the pot stopped. She got her pot back, and no one ever stole it again.

Gordon, M. (2008). The Magic Porridge Pot. America: Usborne Publishing Ltd..

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Holiday in America

1. Introduction
  I visited Minnesota this summer and I heard about five holidays in America from my host family. The reason why I chose this theme is some holidays in America are different from Japanese ones. In advance I examined holidays in America on the Internet in Japan. I could know the origins of the holidays. However, I still didn’t know about holidays in America. When I really heard about them from my host family, I could know a lot of things I had never known. My host family gave some pictures of holidays. I saw them and I could feel an enjoyable atmosphere.

2. Holiday in America
There are five holidays.
(1) Easter
The date of Easter is different every year. People celebrate Easter between in March 22nd and April 25th. Easter is a Christian holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Before Easter, people make hard boiled eggs. Then, they color them. Easter eggs are usually full of candies. Easter eggs symbolize the beginning of life. My host family usually meet their family because they are not Christian. However, generally people banquet and celebrate Easter with their family. An Easter bunny comes at night. He hides eggs filled with candies in the house. He also leaves an Easter basket filled with sweets and small toys. Children also play games that are called Easter hunt and Egg roll. Easter hunt is a game that children look for hard boiled eggs, and Egg roll is a game that children roll over eggs without breaking the eggs. Egg roll event is held in the White house every year, too.

(2) The 4th of July
The July 4th is an Independent Day of America. Fire works and parades are held all over the U.S. On July 4, Americans celebrate that freedom and independence with barbecues, picnics, and family gatherings. Typical foods are ribs and baked potatoes. During the day, my host family enjoy BBQ. Then, to see the fire works, they find an open space to sit on the blanket and wait. When it gets dark, the fire works in the sky. It is very noisy. Towards the end, the fire works come faster and bigger. The best fire works in Minnesota are in Hockensack.

(3) Halloween
Halloween is celebrated on October 31st. Most children dress up costumes and ring door bell and say “trick or treat” and get candies. People make or buy their children a costume for Halloween. The children will wear only once. It is sometimes very cold in Minnesota. So, the costume must be very big to fit over a winter jacket. But sometimes it is very warm. So, the costume should not be too warm. Planning costume is very difficult because weather is uncertainty. Then, children go to school, but most school will not allow children to ware their costume because other children are afraid. At five o’clock, the children go from door to door trick or treat with their parents. The neighbors love to see all the children in their very difficult costumes. Some children like to be scary, some like to be creative. Most parents stay home and children arrive at their house. My host children went to about 30 houses last year. They give candy to the “trick or treat”. In the old days, parents tricked the children or they gave candy to the children. But, now they only give candy.

(4) Thanksgiving
The American Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. Thanksgiving is a peculiarly America and Canada holiday. It is called Turkey Day. A long time ago, Puritans of the United Kingdom drifted to America after a grueling. Then, they were help from Indians. Thanksgiving originates from that they cooked crops, and they gave thanks for God's help with Indians next year. Typical foods are turkey, mashed potato, gravy, yams, beans and stuffing and more. Desserts are pumpkin pie, apple pie and other sweets. People get together with their family or relative and share daily thanks with them.

(5) Christmas
My host family decorates the whole house. They also decorated the Christmas tree with lights ornaments and garland. There are presents under the tree. Children receive presents from everyone and Santa Claus. Put up a wreath. In Christmas morning, the children run down stairs to see what Santa left. Santa’s presents are usually bigger and better. On Christmas Eve, you leave a plate of cookies and a glass of milk for Santa and carrots for reindeer. During the nights, Santa leave presents fills stocking and eats cookies. Santa comes down the chimney. Santa comes and has a big sack with more presents for each child sits on Santa’s lap and receives another present in Christmas day. For many people, Christmas is religious. Christmas celebrates Jesus Christ’s birthday. It is irrelevant to my host family because they are not Christians. But, for their family, it is important time because it is a day that my host parents and their relatives give their children many presents. Their children also love to see Santa and my host parents feel the excitement of children.

3. Conclusion
Every holiday seems very fun. My host family likes holiday so much. I heard it from my host family that it was Halloween in America the other day and a lot of fun. It really is the holiday my host family likes most. My host children were both Star Wars people. There are a lot of holidays in America and most American people spend Holidays with their family. I thought American people cherish time to spend with their families and holidays are important days dedicated to time with family. America also has culture of thanks by Thanksgivings. It is very important for us to express feeling of grateful. We can feel family warmth by holiday. Holidays are very important days.

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Essay 2-02b: My Language Learning Experience

I’m going to tell you about my language experience from elementary school to university. I have learned Japanese, English, Spanish and Korean. When I was 7 years old, I leaned foreign language for the first time. Foreign language is difficult for me to understand. However, I like to learn foreign language.

I went to English conversation school for five years when I was an elementary school student. There was the English conversation school near my house. My teacher was Australian and there are about ten people there. We learned alphabet and English words there. We had Christmas party and it was the most interesting thing. Then, we played games in English. I only remember playing twister. I really enjoyed playing this game. I also had English class in elementary school. I studied English words and alphabet. I liked the class because English teacher gave us candy every time. Of course, I studied Japanese. I memorized a lot of Chinese characters. I had difficulty with them.

When I was a junior high school student, I studied Japanese classics for the first time. I was poor at Japanese classics. It was difficult for me to understand it. I also had English class and I learned English using text books for the first time. I studied self introduction in English, English idioms and words. I had to recite two or three whole pages of a text book. Then, I had to present it in front of the teacher.

When I was a high school student, I studied classical Chinese for the first time. I also studied Japanese classics. I don’t like Japanese classics because it is difficult for me to understand them, but I like classical Chinese because I could understand stories. I was memorized a lot of Japanese classics words by a teacher. I had a test in classic class every time. When I made two mistakes answer, I had to do my homework. I took three hours doing the homework. I also had some English classes. I had English words test and had to prepare for lessons in Reading class every time. I was busy, but I liked English classes the best.

I study English in KGU now. I have Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking class. I like the course contents. For example, I read English papers in Reading class, and I write blog in English in Writing class. I also have two Korean classes now. I have already memorized all Hangul alphabets. So, I can read Hangul. It is not difficult for me to understand Korean such other languages. I am not good at Korean, but I like the Korean classes very much because it is so interesting. I want to become speak Korean. Recently, I like Tohoshinki. When I was first year in university, I studied Spanish. Thanks to the Spanish class, I could know about Spain and speak it a little. Spanish is more difficult than Korean.

I have learned various languages since I was born. I like English the best. So, I want to study English more and more. I also speak English with foreigner and want to speak fluent English. I'd like to go abroad sometime. Thank you for reading my essay.

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Saturday, November 20, 2010

BR 2-05: Why the Sea is Salty

Long ago, the sea wasn’t salty like it is today. Once, it tasted sweet. It all began with a magic millstone. This millstone belonged to great King. Most millstones are used for making flour, but this millstone was different. It made gold and jewels or special spices or whatever the King asked for.

One day, a thief heard about the millstone. He went to palace because he wanted the millstone. He tiptoed into the King’s bedroom and reached under the bed. The thief hid the millstone under his cloak, and he ran away as fast as he could. He leaped into a boat and sailed away.

He thought some food would help him. He got out a bun and took a big bite. He thought that needs salt. He grinned and the millstone began to turn. Bright white salt poured out. The thief put some salt on his bun and munched away happily. Then, he fell asleep. All night long, the millstone kept turning. The pile of salt grew bigger and bigger.

When he got up, it was a huge heap of salt. The boat began to sink, lower and lower. And still the millstone kept turning. The boat sank. It took the magic millstone with it. There it has stayed, pouring out salt to this very day. And that is why the sea is salty.

Rojo, S. (2009). Why the Sea is Salty. America: Usborne Publishing Ltd..

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Saturday, November 6, 2010

BR 2-04: The Reluctant Dragon

One evening, long ago, a shepherd ran home, terrified. He saw something terrible. It has long, sharp claws. It also has a long, pointy tail and shiny blue scales all over its body.

The next day, the boy set off up the hill to find the dragon. The dragon was friendly and he was thrilled to see the boy. The boy sat down and asked the dragon all kinds of questions. The dragon told stories of long, long ago. There were dangerous dragons everywhere. The boy came back every day hear the stories.

But then the villages found out about the dragon. Saint George the Dragon Killer wants to fight the dragon doesn’t like fighting. The boy hides in his cave he goes away. The boy said to George that the dragon wouldn’t hurt a fly, but everyone wants a fight. The dragon didn’t fight.

The villagers were happy and George was happy. The dragon was happiest of all. He had lots of new friends.

Grahame, K. (2009). The reluctant Dragon. America: Usborne Publishing Ltd..

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My favorite dish

My favorite dish is Japanese noodle. I especially like beef Japanese noodle. When I eat Japanese noodle, I always order beef Japanese noodle. Japanese noodle makes me happy because when I eat it, my heart become so warm. I like Japanese taste.

I also like tomato. I eat tomato almost every day. I ate tomato today. I especially like fresh tomato. Probably, I have liked tomato since I was very young. When I am asked about favorite food, I always answer tomato. I like dish with use tomato, I like fresh tomato the best. When I eat big fresh tomato, I become very happy. Tomato makes me so happy. It is very important for me to eat tomato in my life.

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My favorite TV show

My favorite TV show is ‘Himitsuno kennminn show’. I watched this TV show today. It is very interesting TV show and it is introduce us about difference of prefecture. For example, Okinawa people of a prefecture eat spaghetti with toast. I have never watched this combination. Kochi people of a prefecture also eat stick of sweet potato. I have never eaten stick of sweet potato. So, I want to eat it sometime because it looked like so delicious when I watched this TV show today.

I want to know difference of prefecture. It is very interesting because we live in Japan but we have different habits by each prefecture. To know new things is very interesting and knowledge. I recommend you this TV show.

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