

Welcome to my Portfolios page!

Revised by: 09154
Date: 2010.07.16

This is my portfolios wich I recorded my work in Writing Ⅲ class. I showed the number of blog posts, words, comments, paragraphs, essay and book reviews. Iwant you to notice that I worked hard every month. Please visit my Portfolios page.

0.0. Proto-Portfolios

Reflections on Proto-Portfolios

I could write many sentences in English. I was happy because some people write comments in my blog. I also could typing fast than before.

2.0. 2nd Semester Portfolio

This is my portfolios witch I recorded my work in writing class. I posted book reviews, essays, my favorite things, dairy anso on.

2.1. Essay Showcase

Best Essay

My best essay is "Essay 2-03b: University Life " because I could tell reader about my university life and I answered some questions in comment and added the answers to this. I like KGU.
Essay 2-03b: University Life

Overall Essay Developments
I could write long essay, and I came to like writing blog. And paragraph is very important.

2.2. Book Review Showcase

Best Book Review
My best book review is "BR 2-10: Little Red Riding Hood" because I could digest the content of this book. I could express how interesting this book is.
BR 2-10: Littl Red Riding Hood
Overall Book Review Developments
I could read many books that is written in English. And I could understand a little difficult books.

2.3. Additional Highlights and Reflections

I wrote blog in English for the first time. I  understood that it is important to make paragraphs. Reading English books are good for me because I knew many English words and I was interested in English books.

1.0. 1st Semester Portfolio

I showed two tables. One is Essay Showcase and another is Book Review Showcase. Each table shows title, date, the number of paregraphs, words and comments.

1.1. Essay Showcase

Best Essay
My best essay is "Essay 1-02b: soccer" because I like soccer very much and I could tell many people about soccer. And, I think I could organise well.
Overall Essay Developments
I knew how to write essays. And I understood that it is important to make paragraphs. I could make a mindmap.

1.2. Book Review Showcase

Best Book Review
My best book reviews " BR 1-04: The Sorcerer's Apprentice" because I could digest the content of this book. I could express how interesting this book is.
Overall Book Review Developments
I could read many books that is written in English. I didn't like reading books, but I like reading books now.
I try to read more difficult books.

2.0. 2nd Semester Portfolio


