
Saturday, October 23, 2010

BR 2-03: The Inch Prince

Once upon a time, there was a little old man and a little old woman. They lived in a tiny house by a river. The old man wished to have some children. He thought only a teeny child could fit in the tiny house.

At that moment, a fairy flew by. She waved her wand and whispered some magic words. Soon afterwards, they had a teeny weeny boy. He was just one inch tall. He was called Issun boshi.

Many years later, it was time for Issy to leave home. His parents gave him three presents for his journey. He had a rice bowl for a boat and a pair of chopsticks for oars and a needle for a sword. Issy set off down the river.

At last, Issy reached the emperor’s palace. He was asked by an emperor to look after Princess Chi-Chi. From then on, Issy never left the princess’s side. When they came to a dark forest, there was a terrifying roar. It was a giant ogre. The giant ogre scooped up Issy and the Princess. Issy took his needle sword and prick the ogre’s tongue. The ogre spat out Issy and ran off.

A could of magical stars shot swept around Issy. He was as big as the princess. They got married and lived in a house next to the palace.

Ward, M. (2009). The Inch Prince. America: Usborne Publishing Ltd..

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Essay 2-02a: My Language Learning Experience

I’m going to tell you about my language experience from elementary school to university. I have learned Japanese, English, Spanish and Korean. When I was 7 years old, I leaned foreign language for the first time. Foreign language is difficult for me to understand. However, I like to learn foreign language.

I went to English conversation school for five years when I was an elementary school student. There was the English conversation school near my house. My teacher was Australian and there are about ten people there. We learned alphabet and English words there. We had Christmas party and it was the most interesting thing. Then, we played games in English. I only remember playing twister. I really enjoyed playing this game. I also had English class in elementary school. I studied English words and alphabet. I liked the class because English teacher gave us candy every time. Of course, I studied Japanese. I memorized a lot of Chinese characters. I had difficulty with them.

When I was a junior high school student, I studied Japanese classics for the first time. I was poor at Japanese classics. It was difficult for me to understand it. I also had English class and I learned English using text books for the first time. I studied self introduction in English, English idioms and words. I had to recite two or three whole pages of a text book. Then, I had to present it in front of the teacher.

When I was a high school student, I studied classical Chinese for the first time. I also studied Japanese classics. I don’t like Japanese classics, but I like classical Chinese because I could understand stories. I was memorized a lot of Japanese classics words by a teacher. I had a test in classic class every time. When I made two mistakes answer, I had to do my homework. I took three hours doing the homework. I also had some English classes. I had English words test and had to prepare for lessons in Reading class every time. I was busy, but I liked English classes the best.

I study English in KGU now. I have Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking class. I like the course contents. For example, I read English papers in Reading class, and I write blog in English in Writing class. I also have two Korean classes now. I have already memorized all Hangul alphabets. So, I can read Hangul. I like the Korean classes very much because it is so interesting. I want to become speak Korean. When I was first year in university, I studied Spanish. Thanks to the Spanish class, I could know about Spain and speak it a little.

I have learned various languages since I was born. I like English the best. So, I want to study English more and more. I also speak English with foreigner and want to speak fluent English. Thank you for reading my essay.

[492 words]

Friday, October 22, 2010

My Favorite Shoes

My favorite shoes are spiked shoes. My spiked shoes are Mizuno and Moreria Ⅱ. I play soccer three or four times a week. I have used Moreria Ⅱsince I was 12 years old. It is made from kangaroo's leather and very light. I like it so much because it is easy for me to kick balls. A lot of professional soccer players also use it. However, it has a problem. It is expensive because it is over 10000 yen. I want it to cheaper.

I thank to it because it makes my feet save every time. Probably, I will use it until I stop soccer. If new and so cool spiked shoes are sold, I use Moreria Ⅱ. My Moreria Ⅱ lose points. So, I'd like to buy it.

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Thursday, October 21, 2010

My Favorie Class

My favorite class is Speaking because it is very interesting. We have five groups in speaking class. A teacher asks question to us. Then, we think the answer each group. I remember a question. It is the question about what is the only sure thing in life. We answered myself, family, money and so on. However, the answer was death. Nobody can answer. I like to think answer with my group.

Last time, we got papers. The papers were written a name, family, age and so on. Then, we asked about 20 people the name, family, age, and we found each family. I really enjoyed this game. I'd like to play this game again. Recently, Speaking class is very interesting.

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Outline: My language learning experience

My language learning experience

  • Elementary school
    • English
      • English conversation
    • Japanese
  • Junior high school
    • English
    • Japanese
  • High school
    • English
    • Japanese
  • University
    • English
      • Speaking
      • Writing
      • Listening
      • Reading
      • go to Minnesota
    • Spanish
    • Korean
      • have Korean friends
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My language learning experience

Here is my beautiful mindmap. It shows my language learning experience from elementary school to university.

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My language learning experience

I went to Minnesota this summer, and I learned English there. I studied English in the Bethel University. My teacher, Peggy told us about Minnesota and America. I was interested in American joke.

My host family also told me English. My host family especially told me everyday conversation. I watched Pokemon on TV with my host children. And I watched Disney movie in a park. They are all English and there is no caption, I could understand their stories. I was really enjoyed them.

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I am going tell you about Christmas in America.

My host family decorates the whole house. They also decorated the Christmas tree with lights ornaments and garland. Under the tree are presents. You receive presents from everyone and Santa Claus. Put up a wreath. Christmas morning, the children run down stairs to see what Santa left. Usually Santa’s presents are bigger and better.

In Christmas Eve, you leave a plate of cookies and glass of milk for Santa and carrot for reindeer. During nights, Santa leave presents fills stocking and eats cookies. Santa comes down the chimney. Santa comes and has a big sack with more presents for each child sits on Santa’s lap and receives another present in Christmas day.

For many people, Christmas is religious. It is the celebration Jesus Christ’s birthday. For my host family, it is not. But, their family, it is important time. For the children, it is about it is about giving and receiving many presents. The children love to see Santa and feel the excitement of children.

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Friday, October 15, 2010

My Favorite Music

My favorite music is J-pop. I especially like AKB48. Probably I listen to the music everyday. AKB48 is Japanese idol group and they give a performance at Akihabara almost every day. They are split into three groups. The three groups give performances alternately. I have never watched the performance at Akihabara. I'd like to go there because I heard that there are some dreams in the stage. I want to know the dreams. They close to fan. I have been to their concert three times. Then, I got energy from them. Recently, they appear on TV almost every day. When I watch them, I think I try to hard everything more. I hope that they want to big more. And I want them to give dreams for a lot of people.

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Friday, October 8, 2010

My Favorite Car

My favorite car is Pino because my car is Pino. My car is beige and small. I love my car. My car is so cute. My parents bought it for me. But, When I graduate from university and start to work, I will have to pay my parents back the money. So, I will hard to work.

I drive the car from my home to Higo Ozu station almost every day. I also drive it when I go to soccer ground. When I drive a car, I always listen to my favorite music. So, I enjoy driving. I have driven it about for a year, but I have never hit it. Probably, my drive is safety. But, I want to be careful traffic accident.

[124 words]

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Essay 2-01b: My Favorite Place

My favorite place is high school. I went to Ozu high school. I could make a lot of memorize there. My high school makes me relax and it is a place with a good atmosphere. I'm going to introduce you about it.

First, I like fall because my high school has an athletic meet, a school festival and challenge meeting. Then, we come to life and catch the warm mood of these all over the school. We run 42.195 kilometer in challenge meeting. I liked to watch someone struggle to run out. If I have a chance, I'd like to run again. I experienced these school events and I could feel blossom of youth. I went to an athletic meet this past September. Then, I could see a lot of smiles there and I thought again my high school is a favorite place.

Second, there are a lot of maidenhair trees in my high school. In fall, the leaves have turned yellow. They are so beautiful and made us feel the arrival of fall. In the end of fall or in winter, yellow leaves fall from the trees. Then, we can see yellow carpet at the school. When I walked there, I felt as if I really walk on yellow carpet. I think it is the most beautiful yellow carpet I've ever seen. It is the most favorite place in my high school. I didn't see it about 2 years. However, I still remember the scene when I walked there talking with my friends.

Third, my high school is caught on club activities. After school, most students go to club activities. Soccer club is very strong and there are over 100 people in soccer club. Then, various voices vibrate whole school. I heard voice of exercises, call people, count, staff advisers to the club activities and so on. Everyone has a sparkle in his or her eyes. When I heard these voices, I always felt blossom of youth.

My high school made me feel blossom of youth. After I graduated from it, I sometimes went there. But, it was same as before and it was a place that is a warm, sociable and bursting with vitality. As you can see Ozu high school makes me feel these mind is my favorite place. If you have free time, please come to Ozu high school.

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010


When I went to Minnesota, my host family told me about holiday in America. America has special holidays. So, I'm going tell you about them. Today I will tell you about Easter.

Date of Easter different every year. More specifically, people celebrate Easter between in March 22nd to in April 25th. Before Easter people hard boil eggs, then people color them. Easter eggs usually are full of candy. My host family usually doesn't get together with their family. An Easter bunny comes at night. He hides eggs filed with candy in the house. He also leaves an Easter basket filled with sweets and small toys.

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BR 2-02: Stories of Dolls

Amy and Tina loved Cherry Tree Cottage. Molly is the best doll's owner. Cordelia had golden curls tied up with a shiny clip and a dress that sparkled with sequins. Amy and Tina clean rooms but Cordelia never help clean or tidy. Then, she was brushing her hair.

One day, Molly carefully picked up the dolls and put them in her basket and took them all on a picnic. A magpie flies the sky and he had spotted Cordelia. The next moment, he swooped down and snatched Cordelia up in his claws. The magpie dropped Cordelia into his spiky nest.She spent all day in the nest, feeling lonelier and lonelier.

When he took her home, her curls were ragged and wild and her dress was dirty and torn. Molly cried and carefully tucking her into bed.

Wanert, A. (2006). Stories of Dols. America : Usborne Publishing Ltd..

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Monday, October 4, 2010

Essay 2-01a: My Favorite Place

My favorite place is high school. I went to Ozu high school. I could make a lot of memorize there. My high school makes me relax and it is a place with a good atmosphere. I'm going to introduce you about it.

First, I like fall because my high school has an athletic meet, a school festival and challenge meeting. Then, we come to life and catch the warm mood of these all over the school. We run 42.195 kilometer in challenge meeting. I liked to watch someone struggle to run out. I experienced these school events and I could feel blossom of youth. I went to an athletic meet this past September. Then, I could see a lot of smiles there and I thought again My high school is a favorite place.

Second, there are a lot of maidenhair trees in my high school. In fall, the leaves have turned yellow. They are so beautiful and made us feel the arrival of fall. In the end of fall or in winter, yellow leaves fall from the trees. Then, we can see yellow carpet at the school. When I walked there, I felt as if I really walk on yellow carpet. I think it is the most beautiful yellow carpet I've ever seen. It is the most favorite place in my high school. I didn't see it about 2 years. However, I still remember the scene when I walked there talking with my friends.

Third, my high school is caught on club activities. After school, most students go to club activities. Then, various voices vibrate whole school. I heard voice of exercises, call people, count, staff advisers to the club activities and so on. Everyone has a sparkle in his or her eyes. When I heard these voices, I always felt blossom of youth.

My high school made me feel blossom of youth. After I graduated from it, I sometimes went there. But, it was same as before and it was place that is a warm, sociable and bursting with vitality. As you can see Ozu high school makes me feel these mind is my favorite place. If you have free time, please come to Ozu high school.

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Friday, October 1, 2010

My Favorite Drink

My favorite drink is barley tea. I like juice, but I like barley tea the best of all the drinks. So, I drink it every day and bring it to school. Probably, a lot of Japanese people like barley tea because when most Japanese people eat meals, they drink tea. Tea is necessary drink in Japanese life.

I also like orange juice. After I play soccer, I often drink 100 percent orange juice. 100 percent orange juice contains nutritional elements that are effective in relieving fatigue, and it is very important for soccer players to drink it because soccer players are cause produce arthritis. Orange juice contains citric acid and fruit sugar. I recommend you to drink 100 percent orange juice after exercise.

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