
Friday, October 22, 2010

My Favorite Shoes

My favorite shoes are spiked shoes. My spiked shoes are Mizuno and Moreria Ⅱ. I play soccer three or four times a week. I have used Moreria Ⅱsince I was 12 years old. It is made from kangaroo's leather and very light. I like it so much because it is easy for me to kick balls. A lot of professional soccer players also use it. However, it has a problem. It is expensive because it is over 10000 yen. I want it to cheaper.

I thank to it because it makes my feet save every time. Probably, I will use it until I stop soccer. If new and so cool spiked shoes are sold, I use Moreria Ⅱ. My Moreria Ⅱ lose points. So, I'd like to buy it.

[128 words]

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