
Monday, December 20, 2010

My Favorite Prefecture

My favorite prefecture is Kumamoto because I have lived in Kumamoto since I was born. I live in Ozu town. There are some famous places in Kumamoto. For example, there are Kumamoto castle and caldera. The caldera is the biggest in the world. I have seen it about five times. When I saw it for the first time, I was excited.

Kumamoto castle is big and beautiful. When I was a baby, I went to there. So, I don't remember it. I'd like to go to Kumamoto castle again. Probably, Kiyomasa Kato made Kumamoto castle. If my foreign friend and host family come to Kumamoto, I want them to see it.

I like Kumamoto so much. I want many people to know kumamoto more and more.

[127 woeds]

BR 2-13: Androcles and the Lion

A long time ago, there was a man called Androcles. He was very poor, but he was kind. Androcles worked for a rich man. The man’s name is Brutus. Brutus lived in a big house outside the city of Rome. Brutus made his slaves work. For example, Androcles scrubbed steps, mopped floors, washed pots and cooked food. He is very busy. But Brutus never paid him.

One night, Androcles decided to run away. He ran into the forest. It was dark and spooky. Suddenly, he heard a loud noise from behind a bush. He looked around the bush, and saw an enormous lion. Andrecles ran. But the lion didn’t chase him. The ion couldn’t run. The lion also couldn’t walk. There was a thorn in the lion’s paw.Androcles pulled out the thorn, s quickly as he could. The lion’s name is Leo.

From then on, Androcles and Leo were best friends. They lived in a cave in the middle of forest. They hunted for food every day. One morning, Androcles saw a stranger. The soldier unrolled some paper. Androcles gasped. The paper was written wanted for running away Androcles. The soldier found Androcles. The soldier pulled out his sword. Androcles ran and the soldier chased. Androcles got so tired, he had to stop. The soldier threw Androcles into a car. Adrocles had a bumpy ride to Roma.

He led Androcles into the arena, past a cage of lions. They weren’t as gentle as Leo. Androcles was locked in a prison with a man called Marco. Androcles knew that we have to fight the lions tomorrow afternoon. The next afternoon, Clinkus dragged Androcles from the prison. Then, Androcles stood in the middle of the area. A gage opened in a side wall, and an enormous lion charged out. The lion ran. Androcles closed his eyes. The something strange happened. Androcles felt a lick on his hand. He opened his eyes. The lion is Leo. The Emperor said you were very brave. Androcles and his friends left Roma and started their own show. And no one had to fright.

[350 words]

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Essay 2-03a: University Life

I am going tell you about my university life. I am a Kumamoto Gakuen University student. My class is the department of British and the United States. I am busy because I have a lot of classes. But I really enjoy my university life because I have a lot of friend and classes are interesting. There are good facilities in my university.

First, I have 15 classes now. I learn a lot of things that I have never known. Every class is attraction for me. I really enjoy take classes. However, I have a lot of homework. Probably, I have homework every day. So, I am very busy. I have trouble with writing homework because I’m not good at writing blog. I try to achieve goal.

Second, there are a lot of facilities in the university. Fore example, there are library, classroom, convenience store, book store, bakery and students dining hall in there. I often go to library and use a computer to do my homework. When I entered the university, I was surprised that there are convenience store, bakery and students dining hall. I often went to bakery and students dining hall when I was a freshman. Both are so delicious and there are many kinds. The university is also pleasant surroundings because there are a lot of air conditioners. I feel cool in summer, and I feel warm in winter.

Third, I like library the best because there are a lot of books, magazines, computers, news papers, CDs and DVDs. When I had my vacant, I was watched DVDs with my friend in there. There are a lot of interesting DVDs. I like very, very much them. I sometimes use English papers because I read English papers and have to make questions. I could read English papers after I entered the university. I also use computer to write my blog and reports. But sometimes I can’t a computer because many people use computers. Especially, computers are so popular before tests.

Forth, I could make a lot of new friends. My friends are so kind and interesting. They are attractive personality and I become smile every day. I think time flies when they are with friends. I like my friends so much. I also could see a lot of teachers. Especially, encounters with foreign teachers are powerful incentives for me to study harder. When I was a high school student, there is a foreigner teacher in my high school. I learn a lot of things from foreigner teachers. They are precious experience for me. So, I want to learn a lot of things from them more and more.

Finally, I think I lead a full life. University life is important for me now. I don’t have dream yet. I study various things in the university, and I hope to decide a dream. I don’t have particular dream, but if possible, I want to work with using English. After I entered the university, I have a lot of chances to study English. So, I want to use English after graduation from the university. I study English in the university, and I try to get high marks on tests.

[530 words]

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


university life

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25 years from now

II’m going to tell you about 25 years from now. Some people go to the university by train. People take some classes with using computers. The classes are very convenient. Everyone good at use computers. People can spend comfortably life because there are air conditioners, convenience stores, fast-food restaurants and a super market.

[55 words]

University life

I’m going tell you about university life. I go to the university by train. There are a lot of foreign teachers in my university. I have some foreign teacher’s classes. They are so interesting. I also spend comfortable life because there are a lot of air conditioners. In summer, I feel cool. In winter, I feel warm.

[60 words]

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

My Favorite Country

My favorite country is America. I went to Minnesota this summer. There are a lot of natures. They are so beautiful. I also went to Hawaii and Guam. Both are so great. I like Hawaii and Guam very much. There are very beautiful sea and sight in Hawaii and Guam. I swam in the sea almost during the day. I’m interested in color of sea because sea has some colors. I could see colors of blue, green, light blue in Hawaii and Guam. They are very, very beautiful.

I want to go to Europe because I like a row of houses and streets of Europe. If I go to Europe, Europe would be one of my favorite places. I want to go a lot of countries.

[126 words]

BR 2-12: Clever Rabbit and the Wolves

Clever Rabbit was trapped. He was in the middle of a ring of wolves. He asked the wolves. Don’t you want to my dance? The wolves wanted to see his dance. The wolves want to eat him.

However, a Little Wolf wants to see his dance. Clever Rabbit tapped his foot. Then, he sang. All the wolves stomped their feet. They enjoyed dancing. They kept singing and dancing. They turned around on the word tum. They tried to dance faster. Clever Rabbit sang it faster and faster. Their wolves stomped their feet. They turned around and around.

A little wolf was dizzy. Clever Rabbit danced into the long grass. Clever Rabbit said to the wolves that keep dancing. One by one, the wolves fell to the ground. The wolves tried to find Clever Rabbit. But, Clever Rabbit was far away. And the wolves were too dizzy to chase him.

Vanvolsem, E. (2009). Clever Rabbit And The Wolves. America: Usborne Publishing Ltd..

[150 words]

Monday, December 6, 2010

BR 2-11: Dick Whittington

There was once a boy called Dick Whittington. He lived on his own, in the country. Dick was very, very poor. He had no money for fancy clothes and yummy food or a warm, dry home. He looked for work. He asked some people. But no one needed help. One morning, Dick saw a farmer. The man said why you don’t try in London. Dick knew London was a big city and many miles away. The streets are made of gold. He thanked the farmer and set off at once.

Dick walked for miles and miles. But when he arrived in London, the streets were not made of gold at all. He looked for work once more. He asked some people, but no one wanted help. When it was dark, he curled up on the steps of a big house and fell asleep. In next morning, a man came out of the house. He said come inside. Dick had never been in such a grand house before. It was full of beautiful things. Mr. Fitzwarren gave Dick a job in his kitchen. Dick spent the day washing pots, cleaning floors and peeling carrots. Dick was happy with his new job. And everyone in the house was kind to him.

Dick was taken to the very to p of the house. The room was small, but Dick did not mind. A mouse squeezed out of hole in the floorboards. Seconds later, the whole room was full of mice. It was the same every night. A week later, Mr. Fitzwarren gave Dick his first ever wages. That afternoon, he visited the big city market. There were hundreds of stalls. He bought the biggest cat from the stall and ran home. That night, the mice appeared as usual. However, when Dick was ready for them, the cat chased the mice back into their holes.

A few days later, Mr. Fitzwarren called his servants together. Mr. Fitzwarren said one of my ships is going on a selling trip. Dick put his cat onto the cart that was going to Mr. Fitzwarren’s ship. That evening, Dick couldn’t sleep. He felt bad about selling the cat. He decided to back the country. He walked and walked, until he had almost left London. Just then, church bells rang out. Dick could hardly believe his ears. But he went back to Mr. Fitzwarren’s house. Mr. Fitzwarren waited for him. Mr. Fitzwarren said the king of Barbary bought Dick’s cat. His palace was full of mice and the cat chased them off. Mr. Fitzwarren gave Dick two bags bursting with gold. He grew up to be one of the richest men in the city. Dick became mayor of London three times.

Vagnozzi, B. (2009). Dick Whittington. America: Usborne Publishing Ltd..

[452 words]

BR 2-10: Little Red Riding Hood

Once upon a time there was a kind little girl called Little Red Riding Hood. She always wore a bright red cloak with a bright red hood. Little Red Riding Hood lived with her mother on the edge of some deep, dark woods. One day, Little Red Riding Hood’s mother gave her a pot of vegetable soup. Her mother made rules. First, keep to the path. Second, don’t talk to wolves. Little Red Riding Hood promised her mother.

At first, the sun shone and the birds sang. Little Red Riding Hood walked deeper and deeper into the woods. Then the sun hid behind the clouds and it got darker still. So, Little Red Riding Hood did not see the wolf waiting for on the path. And the wolf did not see Little Red Riding Hood either. Little Red Riding Hood stepped on the wolf’s tail. And she dropped her basket on his head. She talked with the wolf. She had forgotten the rule that don’t talk to wolves. The wolf was about to gobble up Little Red Riding Hood.

But then he had an idea. He thought I can eat Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother. When Little Red Riding Hood left the path to look for flowers, the wolf raced off to the grandmother’s house. He knocked lightly on the door. Then, the wolf leaped into the room. Then, he gobbled up Little Red Riding Hood’s grandmother. Then he climbed into bed to wait for Little Red Riding Hood.

He heard a knock at the door soon. He pulled on the grandmother’s cap and hid under the blankets. Little Red Riding Hood looked at her grandmother. She looked again. Little Red Riding Hood asked her grandmother some questions. Suddenly, he jumped out of bed and gobbled up Little Red Riding Hood. Then, he lay down on the bed to sleep. He snored so loudly the woodcutter heard him. The woodcutter has never heard the old woman snore that loudly.

The woodcutter went to the house. Just then, the woodcutter had an idea. He picked up some scissors. Then he snipped open the wolf’s tummy. When the woodcutter kept cutting, Little Red Riding Hood and grandmother popped out. Then Little Red Riding Hood ran outside and picked up lots of stones. The woodcutter put them in the wolf’s tummy, and the grandmother sewed the tummy up. The wolf never ate another person. As for Little Red Riding Hood, she never talked to a wolf again.

Gordon, M. (2006). Little Red Riding Hood . America: Usborne Publishing Ltd..
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