
Monday, December 6, 2010

BR 2-11: Dick Whittington

There was once a boy called Dick Whittington. He lived on his own, in the country. Dick was very, very poor. He had no money for fancy clothes and yummy food or a warm, dry home. He looked for work. He asked some people. But no one needed help. One morning, Dick saw a farmer. The man said why you don’t try in London. Dick knew London was a big city and many miles away. The streets are made of gold. He thanked the farmer and set off at once.

Dick walked for miles and miles. But when he arrived in London, the streets were not made of gold at all. He looked for work once more. He asked some people, but no one wanted help. When it was dark, he curled up on the steps of a big house and fell asleep. In next morning, a man came out of the house. He said come inside. Dick had never been in such a grand house before. It was full of beautiful things. Mr. Fitzwarren gave Dick a job in his kitchen. Dick spent the day washing pots, cleaning floors and peeling carrots. Dick was happy with his new job. And everyone in the house was kind to him.

Dick was taken to the very to p of the house. The room was small, but Dick did not mind. A mouse squeezed out of hole in the floorboards. Seconds later, the whole room was full of mice. It was the same every night. A week later, Mr. Fitzwarren gave Dick his first ever wages. That afternoon, he visited the big city market. There were hundreds of stalls. He bought the biggest cat from the stall and ran home. That night, the mice appeared as usual. However, when Dick was ready for them, the cat chased the mice back into their holes.

A few days later, Mr. Fitzwarren called his servants together. Mr. Fitzwarren said one of my ships is going on a selling trip. Dick put his cat onto the cart that was going to Mr. Fitzwarren’s ship. That evening, Dick couldn’t sleep. He felt bad about selling the cat. He decided to back the country. He walked and walked, until he had almost left London. Just then, church bells rang out. Dick could hardly believe his ears. But he went back to Mr. Fitzwarren’s house. Mr. Fitzwarren waited for him. Mr. Fitzwarren said the king of Barbary bought Dick’s cat. His palace was full of mice and the cat chased them off. Mr. Fitzwarren gave Dick two bags bursting with gold. He grew up to be one of the richest men in the city. Dick became mayor of London three times.

Vagnozzi, B. (2009). Dick Whittington. America: Usborne Publishing Ltd..

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