
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

BR 2-12: Clever Rabbit and the Wolves

Clever Rabbit was trapped. He was in the middle of a ring of wolves. He asked the wolves. Don’t you want to my dance? The wolves wanted to see his dance. The wolves want to eat him.

However, a Little Wolf wants to see his dance. Clever Rabbit tapped his foot. Then, he sang. All the wolves stomped their feet. They enjoyed dancing. They kept singing and dancing. They turned around on the word tum. They tried to dance faster. Clever Rabbit sang it faster and faster. Their wolves stomped their feet. They turned around and around.

A little wolf was dizzy. Clever Rabbit danced into the long grass. Clever Rabbit said to the wolves that keep dancing. One by one, the wolves fell to the ground. The wolves tried to find Clever Rabbit. But, Clever Rabbit was far away. And the wolves were too dizzy to chase him.

Vanvolsem, E. (2009). Clever Rabbit And The Wolves. America: Usborne Publishing Ltd..

[150 words]

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