
Monday, December 20, 2010

BR 2-13: Androcles and the Lion

A long time ago, there was a man called Androcles. He was very poor, but he was kind. Androcles worked for a rich man. The man’s name is Brutus. Brutus lived in a big house outside the city of Rome. Brutus made his slaves work. For example, Androcles scrubbed steps, mopped floors, washed pots and cooked food. He is very busy. But Brutus never paid him.

One night, Androcles decided to run away. He ran into the forest. It was dark and spooky. Suddenly, he heard a loud noise from behind a bush. He looked around the bush, and saw an enormous lion. Andrecles ran. But the lion didn’t chase him. The ion couldn’t run. The lion also couldn’t walk. There was a thorn in the lion’s paw.Androcles pulled out the thorn, s quickly as he could. The lion’s name is Leo.

From then on, Androcles and Leo were best friends. They lived in a cave in the middle of forest. They hunted for food every day. One morning, Androcles saw a stranger. The soldier unrolled some paper. Androcles gasped. The paper was written wanted for running away Androcles. The soldier found Androcles. The soldier pulled out his sword. Androcles ran and the soldier chased. Androcles got so tired, he had to stop. The soldier threw Androcles into a car. Adrocles had a bumpy ride to Roma.

He led Androcles into the arena, past a cage of lions. They weren’t as gentle as Leo. Androcles was locked in a prison with a man called Marco. Androcles knew that we have to fight the lions tomorrow afternoon. The next afternoon, Clinkus dragged Androcles from the prison. Then, Androcles stood in the middle of the area. A gage opened in a side wall, and an enormous lion charged out. The lion ran. Androcles closed his eyes. The something strange happened. Androcles felt a lick on his hand. He opened his eyes. The lion is Leo. The Emperor said you were very brave. Androcles and his friends left Roma and started their own show. And no one had to fright.

[350 words]

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