
Monday, December 6, 2010

BR 2-10: Little Red Riding Hood

Once upon a time there was a kind little girl called Little Red Riding Hood. She always wore a bright red cloak with a bright red hood. Little Red Riding Hood lived with her mother on the edge of some deep, dark woods. One day, Little Red Riding Hood’s mother gave her a pot of vegetable soup. Her mother made rules. First, keep to the path. Second, don’t talk to wolves. Little Red Riding Hood promised her mother.

At first, the sun shone and the birds sang. Little Red Riding Hood walked deeper and deeper into the woods. Then the sun hid behind the clouds and it got darker still. So, Little Red Riding Hood did not see the wolf waiting for on the path. And the wolf did not see Little Red Riding Hood either. Little Red Riding Hood stepped on the wolf’s tail. And she dropped her basket on his head. She talked with the wolf. She had forgotten the rule that don’t talk to wolves. The wolf was about to gobble up Little Red Riding Hood.

But then he had an idea. He thought I can eat Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother. When Little Red Riding Hood left the path to look for flowers, the wolf raced off to the grandmother’s house. He knocked lightly on the door. Then, the wolf leaped into the room. Then, he gobbled up Little Red Riding Hood’s grandmother. Then he climbed into bed to wait for Little Red Riding Hood.

He heard a knock at the door soon. He pulled on the grandmother’s cap and hid under the blankets. Little Red Riding Hood looked at her grandmother. She looked again. Little Red Riding Hood asked her grandmother some questions. Suddenly, he jumped out of bed and gobbled up Little Red Riding Hood. Then, he lay down on the bed to sleep. He snored so loudly the woodcutter heard him. The woodcutter has never heard the old woman snore that loudly.

The woodcutter went to the house. Just then, the woodcutter had an idea. He picked up some scissors. Then he snipped open the wolf’s tummy. When the woodcutter kept cutting, Little Red Riding Hood and grandmother popped out. Then Little Red Riding Hood ran outside and picked up lots of stones. The woodcutter put them in the wolf’s tummy, and the grandmother sewed the tummy up. The wolf never ate another person. As for Little Red Riding Hood, she never talked to a wolf again.

Gordon, M. (2006). Little Red Riding Hood . America: Usborne Publishing Ltd..
[416 words]

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