
Monday, December 20, 2010

My Favorite Prefecture

My favorite prefecture is Kumamoto because I have lived in Kumamoto since I was born. I live in Ozu town. There are some famous places in Kumamoto. For example, there are Kumamoto castle and caldera. The caldera is the biggest in the world. I have seen it about five times. When I saw it for the first time, I was excited.

Kumamoto castle is big and beautiful. When I was a baby, I went to there. So, I don't remember it. I'd like to go to Kumamoto castle again. Probably, Kiyomasa Kato made Kumamoto castle. If my foreign friend and host family come to Kumamoto, I want them to see it.

I like Kumamoto so much. I want many people to know kumamoto more and more.

[127 woeds]

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