
Monday, January 3, 2011

BR 2-15: Thumbelina

Once, there was a woman who wanted a child. She wanted one more than anything else in the world. At last, she went to a fairy for help. She put a magic seed in a flower pot. Then the seed grew into a beautiful red-gold flower. When the woman bent and kissed it, the petals of the flower began to open. Inside was a tiny girl. The woman called the tiny girl Thumbelina.

One night, a large, lumpy toad crept through the open window. She snatched Thumbelina as she slept. Her son grinned and gazed at Thumbelina, happily. Thumbelina woke to see four large eyes, blinking at her. Then a large webbed hand reached for her. Mother toad wanted meet Thumbelina’s future husband. But, Thumbelina didn’t want to marry a toad.

The toads left for food and the fish swam closer. They nibbled and nibbled at the water lily. Then, it was swished away by the stream. Thumbelina floated for days. A beetle dropped her in a field. Swallow swooped and dived around her, so she never felt alone. Then winter came and the swallows left. Then a field mouse came to her. She took Thumbelina back to her snug little home.

Then, Thumbelina went to with a mole down a dark tunnel. In the middle of the tunnel lay a bird. If swallows don’t fly away for winter, they die of cold. The night, Thumbelina covered him with a carpet of hay. She thought he is dead. But when she put her head on his breast, she heard him voice. The swallow flew up out of the tunnel and soared into the sky, alone.

She went to say goodbye to the sky one last time. She climbed on his back. At last, they came to a blue lake. A dazzling white palace stood on its sunny shore. The swallow set Thumbelina down in a large white flower. A tiny man stood in the flower. He had a gold crown and pale butterfly wings. He took off his crown and gave it to Thumbelina. Thumbelina promised that she stay with the tiny man and be Queen of Flowers.

Brown, P. (2008). Thumbelina. America: Usborne Publishing Ltd..

[360 words]

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