
Sunday, June 20, 2010

Practice game

I woke up about 7 o'clock and went to Kikuyou kita elementary school to play practice games with Kikuyou junior school students and Kuresto at 10 o'clock. I got soaked to the skin because it rained heavily today. This practice game was 20 minutes and we played practice games eight times. My team won all games. Probably, I scored 10 goals.

However, I sometimes misplayed passes and missed goals. A miss is deadly and we will lose a game. So, I try to reduce misses next time. I could learn a lot of things. I try not to forget this experience.

I was tired because we played soccer for about 6 hours. I backed home and my tired muscles relaxed in a hot bath. I think I will sleep off the fatigue of many hours of play soccer.

We have regular games next week and the week after next. I put my good experience of today's soccer account and we win regular games. Yes we can! We will do our best!

172 words

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