
Saturday, June 19, 2010


I woke up at 7 o'clock, and I ate a slice of bread, a yogurt and some watermelon. I left home at about 9 o'clock. I went to Kikuyou kita elementary school and played soccer. Today was hot and humid. When I played soccer, I was sweating all over. I finished soccer at 1 o'clock.

After I backed home, I took a shower and ate lunch. I ate noodle. And I slept for an hour. Then, I woke up about 3 o'clock and did my homework a little. Then, I went to Kikyou kita elementary school again. And then, I helped to cook dinner with my seniors because soccer members who are Kikuyou junior high school stayed in a camp for training. We cooked curry, mixed salad, fried up chicken and pork, cut melon, and steamed about thirty ears of corn. They were very delicious.

After dinner, we washed dishes. Then, I and my seniors backed home. Then, I watched World Cup. It was Japan versus Nether lands foot ball game. Japan lost a match. I want Japan to win next match. Then, I went to bed.

Today was so busy day, but led a full day. Tomorrow will be busy day.

202 words

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