
Monday, December 20, 2010

My Favorite Prefecture

My favorite prefecture is Kumamoto because I have lived in Kumamoto since I was born. I live in Ozu town. There are some famous places in Kumamoto. For example, there are Kumamoto castle and caldera. The caldera is the biggest in the world. I have seen it about five times. When I saw it for the first time, I was excited.

Kumamoto castle is big and beautiful. When I was a baby, I went to there. So, I don't remember it. I'd like to go to Kumamoto castle again. Probably, Kiyomasa Kato made Kumamoto castle. If my foreign friend and host family come to Kumamoto, I want them to see it.

I like Kumamoto so much. I want many people to know kumamoto more and more.

[127 woeds]

BR 2-13: Androcles and the Lion

A long time ago, there was a man called Androcles. He was very poor, but he was kind. Androcles worked for a rich man. The man’s name is Brutus. Brutus lived in a big house outside the city of Rome. Brutus made his slaves work. For example, Androcles scrubbed steps, mopped floors, washed pots and cooked food. He is very busy. But Brutus never paid him.

One night, Androcles decided to run away. He ran into the forest. It was dark and spooky. Suddenly, he heard a loud noise from behind a bush. He looked around the bush, and saw an enormous lion. Andrecles ran. But the lion didn’t chase him. The ion couldn’t run. The lion also couldn’t walk. There was a thorn in the lion’s paw.Androcles pulled out the thorn, s quickly as he could. The lion’s name is Leo.

From then on, Androcles and Leo were best friends. They lived in a cave in the middle of forest. They hunted for food every day. One morning, Androcles saw a stranger. The soldier unrolled some paper. Androcles gasped. The paper was written wanted for running away Androcles. The soldier found Androcles. The soldier pulled out his sword. Androcles ran and the soldier chased. Androcles got so tired, he had to stop. The soldier threw Androcles into a car. Adrocles had a bumpy ride to Roma.

He led Androcles into the arena, past a cage of lions. They weren’t as gentle as Leo. Androcles was locked in a prison with a man called Marco. Androcles knew that we have to fight the lions tomorrow afternoon. The next afternoon, Clinkus dragged Androcles from the prison. Then, Androcles stood in the middle of the area. A gage opened in a side wall, and an enormous lion charged out. The lion ran. Androcles closed his eyes. The something strange happened. Androcles felt a lick on his hand. He opened his eyes. The lion is Leo. The Emperor said you were very brave. Androcles and his friends left Roma and started their own show. And no one had to fright.

[350 words]

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Essay 2-03a: University Life

I am going tell you about my university life. I am a Kumamoto Gakuen University student. My class is the department of British and the United States. I am busy because I have a lot of classes. But I really enjoy my university life because I have a lot of friend and classes are interesting. There are good facilities in my university.

First, I have 15 classes now. I learn a lot of things that I have never known. Every class is attraction for me. I really enjoy take classes. However, I have a lot of homework. Probably, I have homework every day. So, I am very busy. I have trouble with writing homework because I’m not good at writing blog. I try to achieve goal.

Second, there are a lot of facilities in the university. Fore example, there are library, classroom, convenience store, book store, bakery and students dining hall in there. I often go to library and use a computer to do my homework. When I entered the university, I was surprised that there are convenience store, bakery and students dining hall. I often went to bakery and students dining hall when I was a freshman. Both are so delicious and there are many kinds. The university is also pleasant surroundings because there are a lot of air conditioners. I feel cool in summer, and I feel warm in winter.

Third, I like library the best because there are a lot of books, magazines, computers, news papers, CDs and DVDs. When I had my vacant, I was watched DVDs with my friend in there. There are a lot of interesting DVDs. I like very, very much them. I sometimes use English papers because I read English papers and have to make questions. I could read English papers after I entered the university. I also use computer to write my blog and reports. But sometimes I can’t a computer because many people use computers. Especially, computers are so popular before tests.

Forth, I could make a lot of new friends. My friends are so kind and interesting. They are attractive personality and I become smile every day. I think time flies when they are with friends. I like my friends so much. I also could see a lot of teachers. Especially, encounters with foreign teachers are powerful incentives for me to study harder. When I was a high school student, there is a foreigner teacher in my high school. I learn a lot of things from foreigner teachers. They are precious experience for me. So, I want to learn a lot of things from them more and more.

Finally, I think I lead a full life. University life is important for me now. I don’t have dream yet. I study various things in the university, and I hope to decide a dream. I don’t have particular dream, but if possible, I want to work with using English. After I entered the university, I have a lot of chances to study English. So, I want to use English after graduation from the university. I study English in the university, and I try to get high marks on tests.

[530 words]

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


university life

    [42 words]

25 years from now

II’m going to tell you about 25 years from now. Some people go to the university by train. People take some classes with using computers. The classes are very convenient. Everyone good at use computers. People can spend comfortably life because there are air conditioners, convenience stores, fast-food restaurants and a super market.

[55 words]

University life

I’m going tell you about university life. I go to the university by train. There are a lot of foreign teachers in my university. I have some foreign teacher’s classes. They are so interesting. I also spend comfortable life because there are a lot of air conditioners. In summer, I feel cool. In winter, I feel warm.

[60 words]

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

My Favorite Country

My favorite country is America. I went to Minnesota this summer. There are a lot of natures. They are so beautiful. I also went to Hawaii and Guam. Both are so great. I like Hawaii and Guam very much. There are very beautiful sea and sight in Hawaii and Guam. I swam in the sea almost during the day. I’m interested in color of sea because sea has some colors. I could see colors of blue, green, light blue in Hawaii and Guam. They are very, very beautiful.

I want to go to Europe because I like a row of houses and streets of Europe. If I go to Europe, Europe would be one of my favorite places. I want to go a lot of countries.

[126 words]

BR 2-12: Clever Rabbit and the Wolves

Clever Rabbit was trapped. He was in the middle of a ring of wolves. He asked the wolves. Don’t you want to my dance? The wolves wanted to see his dance. The wolves want to eat him.

However, a Little Wolf wants to see his dance. Clever Rabbit tapped his foot. Then, he sang. All the wolves stomped their feet. They enjoyed dancing. They kept singing and dancing. They turned around on the word tum. They tried to dance faster. Clever Rabbit sang it faster and faster. Their wolves stomped their feet. They turned around and around.

A little wolf was dizzy. Clever Rabbit danced into the long grass. Clever Rabbit said to the wolves that keep dancing. One by one, the wolves fell to the ground. The wolves tried to find Clever Rabbit. But, Clever Rabbit was far away. And the wolves were too dizzy to chase him.

Vanvolsem, E. (2009). Clever Rabbit And The Wolves. America: Usborne Publishing Ltd..

[150 words]

Monday, December 6, 2010

BR 2-11: Dick Whittington

There was once a boy called Dick Whittington. He lived on his own, in the country. Dick was very, very poor. He had no money for fancy clothes and yummy food or a warm, dry home. He looked for work. He asked some people. But no one needed help. One morning, Dick saw a farmer. The man said why you don’t try in London. Dick knew London was a big city and many miles away. The streets are made of gold. He thanked the farmer and set off at once.

Dick walked for miles and miles. But when he arrived in London, the streets were not made of gold at all. He looked for work once more. He asked some people, but no one wanted help. When it was dark, he curled up on the steps of a big house and fell asleep. In next morning, a man came out of the house. He said come inside. Dick had never been in such a grand house before. It was full of beautiful things. Mr. Fitzwarren gave Dick a job in his kitchen. Dick spent the day washing pots, cleaning floors and peeling carrots. Dick was happy with his new job. And everyone in the house was kind to him.

Dick was taken to the very to p of the house. The room was small, but Dick did not mind. A mouse squeezed out of hole in the floorboards. Seconds later, the whole room was full of mice. It was the same every night. A week later, Mr. Fitzwarren gave Dick his first ever wages. That afternoon, he visited the big city market. There were hundreds of stalls. He bought the biggest cat from the stall and ran home. That night, the mice appeared as usual. However, when Dick was ready for them, the cat chased the mice back into their holes.

A few days later, Mr. Fitzwarren called his servants together. Mr. Fitzwarren said one of my ships is going on a selling trip. Dick put his cat onto the cart that was going to Mr. Fitzwarren’s ship. That evening, Dick couldn’t sleep. He felt bad about selling the cat. He decided to back the country. He walked and walked, until he had almost left London. Just then, church bells rang out. Dick could hardly believe his ears. But he went back to Mr. Fitzwarren’s house. Mr. Fitzwarren waited for him. Mr. Fitzwarren said the king of Barbary bought Dick’s cat. His palace was full of mice and the cat chased them off. Mr. Fitzwarren gave Dick two bags bursting with gold. He grew up to be one of the richest men in the city. Dick became mayor of London three times.

Vagnozzi, B. (2009). Dick Whittington. America: Usborne Publishing Ltd..

[452 words]

BR 2-10: Little Red Riding Hood

Once upon a time there was a kind little girl called Little Red Riding Hood. She always wore a bright red cloak with a bright red hood. Little Red Riding Hood lived with her mother on the edge of some deep, dark woods. One day, Little Red Riding Hood’s mother gave her a pot of vegetable soup. Her mother made rules. First, keep to the path. Second, don’t talk to wolves. Little Red Riding Hood promised her mother.

At first, the sun shone and the birds sang. Little Red Riding Hood walked deeper and deeper into the woods. Then the sun hid behind the clouds and it got darker still. So, Little Red Riding Hood did not see the wolf waiting for on the path. And the wolf did not see Little Red Riding Hood either. Little Red Riding Hood stepped on the wolf’s tail. And she dropped her basket on his head. She talked with the wolf. She had forgotten the rule that don’t talk to wolves. The wolf was about to gobble up Little Red Riding Hood.

But then he had an idea. He thought I can eat Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother. When Little Red Riding Hood left the path to look for flowers, the wolf raced off to the grandmother’s house. He knocked lightly on the door. Then, the wolf leaped into the room. Then, he gobbled up Little Red Riding Hood’s grandmother. Then he climbed into bed to wait for Little Red Riding Hood.

He heard a knock at the door soon. He pulled on the grandmother’s cap and hid under the blankets. Little Red Riding Hood looked at her grandmother. She looked again. Little Red Riding Hood asked her grandmother some questions. Suddenly, he jumped out of bed and gobbled up Little Red Riding Hood. Then, he lay down on the bed to sleep. He snored so loudly the woodcutter heard him. The woodcutter has never heard the old woman snore that loudly.

The woodcutter went to the house. Just then, the woodcutter had an idea. He picked up some scissors. Then he snipped open the wolf’s tummy. When the woodcutter kept cutting, Little Red Riding Hood and grandmother popped out. Then Little Red Riding Hood ran outside and picked up lots of stones. The woodcutter put them in the wolf’s tummy, and the grandmother sewed the tummy up. The wolf never ate another person. As for Little Red Riding Hood, she never talked to a wolf again.

Gordon, M. (2006). Little Red Riding Hood . America: Usborne Publishing Ltd..
[416 words]

Monday, November 29, 2010

BR 2-09: The Magic Pear Tree

This story is about selfish Shen, a hungry beggar, a kind woman, some yummy pears and a little bit of magic. Shen lived in a little house with a big garden. There was a tree in the garden. The tree grew sweet, golden pears. There were too many pears for Shen, but he did not want to share them.

He tried to sell the pears. Shen took a box of the pears to the market. A beggar stopped to look. The beggar wanted the pears, but he did not have money. Shen shouted, and the beggar ran away. A kind woman heard Shen shouting. She bought a pear and gave it to him. She is very kind. He ate the pear quickly. He spat out the seeds.

The beggar dug a hole and dropped in the seeds. A tea seller gave him a teapot. The beggar poured hot tea into the hole. Then, shoot grew and grew. It grew into a tree, with green leaves and golden pears. The beggar picked a pear and gave it to the woman. She said happily. The beggar also gave the pears to the crowd. Soon the tree was bare. When no one was watching the beggar, he chopped down the tree and strolled away. Shen yelled that it was a trick. But the crowd just laughed.

Ward, M. (2009). The Magic Pear Tree. America: Usborne Publishing Ltd..

[223 words]

BR 2-08: Danny The Dragon

This is a story about a dragon, some villagers, a salesman and a gang of robbers. Danny the dragon lived in some woods, besides a tiny village. Some dragons are scary, but Danny was friendly. Everyone in the village liked Danny. The villagers greet Danny. Danny also greets the villages.

Each night, he visited every villager. He lit their fires. HE cooked their food. He lit their candles as it grew dark. The villagers appreciated him. Then he went home, feeling happy.

One day, a stranger came to the village. The stranger sold Mr. Marvo’s magic fire sticks. The villagers had never seen magic fire sticks before. They can light fires when you are cold. They can cook food when you are hungry. Then they can light candles when it gets dark. The villagers were amazed. They bought all the magic fire sticks on the wagon.
That night, Danny visited the villagers as usual. Everyone did not need a dragon any more. He walked into the woods and tried not to cry.

At that moment, a gang of robbers was passing the village. The robbers stormed into the village. They pushed the3 villagers away from their fires. They snatched away their food. And they carried away their candles. In the woods, Danny heard the cries of the villagers. He ran out of the wood and into the village. He set their beards on fire and toasted their feet. And he burned their bottoms. The robbers ran off and were never seen again. The villagers appreciated his sprint. The thankful villagers gave Danny his job back.

Gordon, M. (2008). The Boy Who Cried Wolf. America: Usborne Publishing Ltd..

[265 words]

BR 2-07: The Boy Who Cried Wolf

This story is about Sam, some sheep, the villagers and a wolf. Sam lived in a little village in the mountains. Every day he took the sheep from the village up the hill to a grassy meadow. He watched them from morning until evening. Then he took them home again. Sam was so bored and he was lonely because every day was the same. All his friends played in the village. Nobody ever came up the hill.

One day, he had an idea. He ran down the hill to the village. Then, he said that a wolf has come out of the forest. Everyone ran up the hill with him. Of course, there was no wolf. The villagers were angry, but Sam just laughed.

A few days later, Sam was bored again. He ran down the hill to the village. Then, he said that a wolf has come out of the forest. Some people did not believe him, but most ran up the hill to see. Of course, there was no wolf. Everyone was very angry, but Sam just laughed.

A week later, Sam was bored again. He ran down the hill to the village. Most people did not believe him. Just a few ran up the hill. Of course, there was no wolf. Now everyone was furious, but Sam laughed and laughed.

A few days later, a wolf really came out of the forest. Sam was terrified. He ran down to the village as fast as possible. However, nobody believed him. In the end, Sam had to go back up the hill all alone. The wolf had killed some of the sheep. Finally, the villagers came to find him. Everyone did not believe Sam because he always told lies before. He have learned his lesson never again.

Cottrill, P. (2009). Danny The Dragon. America: Usborne Publishing Ltd..

[298 words]

Sunday, November 28, 2010

My favorite singer

My favorite singer is Yuko Osima. She is from Tochigi and she is 22 years old. Her birthday is October 17th. She belongs to AKB48. She is a Japanese idol.

I respect her because she is a hard worker and entertainer. I am often fascinated her song, dance and smile. When I see her, I always get energy from her. I like her smile so much.

She is also an actress. She was a child actress before she entered AKB48. She appears ‘Odagirikyoukonouso’. She is president in the play. I am also fascinated with her acting. We can watch this dram at 11 o’clock of Sunday.

I have seen her four times. Her eyes are shine. I see her and I want to say thank you.

[126 words]

My favorite drama

My favorite drama is Q10. We can watch it at 9 o’clock of Saturday. Main characters are Takeru Sato and Atsuko Maeda. Atsuko Maeda is a robot in the play. Her name is Q10. Takaru Sato is a high school student in the play, and his name is Heita Fukai. When he touched her teeth, she stated moving.

They go to a high school. Q10 learns new language every time. It is so interesting. She often says ‘Pahu’. It is so cute. Heita fell in love with Q10. I was thought a lot of things by this drama. I feltwarmth of man by this drama. If you have never watched Q10, I want you to watch it. I recommend you Q10.

[122 words]

Sunday, November 21, 2010

My Favorite Sport

My favorite sport is soccer. I have been playing soccer for 12 years. I belong to a soccer club. The soccer club’s name is Kikuyo FC. There are 15 players and 2 coaches in the team. I am just a middle age. But I am a captain. I want to do good team more and more. And we want to win strong teams. Next year, we will have 4 new members. I am looking forward to playing soccer with them. I like soccer the best.

I also like volleyball. I like both playing and watching volleyball. When I was a high school student, I played volleyball with my classmates in PE. I really enjoyed play volleyball. I want to play volleyball with them.

[123 words]

BR 2-06: The Magic Porridge Pot

This story is about hungry Hannah, and old woman, a greedy boy, a magic pot and a lot of porridge. Hannah never had enough to eat. One day Hannah found some honey in the forest. Then she saw an old woman. The woman was carrying an empty pot. When the woman said the magic words, hot porridge filled the pot. Hannah and the woman ate a delicious meal of porridge and honey. Hannah got the pot from the woman.

From then on, Hannah always had plenty to eat. She had porridge for breakfast, porridge for lunch and porridge for dinner. One evening, a greedy boy smelled the porridge. He followed his nose to Hannah’s cottage. He saw the pot start to fill with porridge, but he did not see it stop.

When Hannah went to bed, he stole the pot and ran home. He could not wait to say the magic words. Steaming porridge filled the pot. Porridge dripped over the sides. Porridge poured onto the floor. He doesn’t know how to stop the pot. Porridge filled the room. The pot didn’t stop. In her bed, Hannah sniffed. She ran away. Porridge was pouring down the street. Hannah shouted the magic words. And at last, the pot stopped. She got her pot back, and no one ever stole it again.

Gordon, M. (2008). The Magic Porridge Pot. America: Usborne Publishing Ltd..

[220 words]

Holiday in America

1. Introduction
  I visited Minnesota this summer and I heard about five holidays in America from my host family. The reason why I chose this theme is some holidays in America are different from Japanese ones. In advance I examined holidays in America on the Internet in Japan. I could know the origins of the holidays. However, I still didn’t know about holidays in America. When I really heard about them from my host family, I could know a lot of things I had never known. My host family gave some pictures of holidays. I saw them and I could feel an enjoyable atmosphere.

2. Holiday in America
There are five holidays.
(1) Easter
The date of Easter is different every year. People celebrate Easter between in March 22nd and April 25th. Easter is a Christian holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Before Easter, people make hard boiled eggs. Then, they color them. Easter eggs are usually full of candies. Easter eggs symbolize the beginning of life. My host family usually meet their family because they are not Christian. However, generally people banquet and celebrate Easter with their family. An Easter bunny comes at night. He hides eggs filled with candies in the house. He also leaves an Easter basket filled with sweets and small toys. Children also play games that are called Easter hunt and Egg roll. Easter hunt is a game that children look for hard boiled eggs, and Egg roll is a game that children roll over eggs without breaking the eggs. Egg roll event is held in the White house every year, too.

(2) The 4th of July
The July 4th is an Independent Day of America. Fire works and parades are held all over the U.S. On July 4, Americans celebrate that freedom and independence with barbecues, picnics, and family gatherings. Typical foods are ribs and baked potatoes. During the day, my host family enjoy BBQ. Then, to see the fire works, they find an open space to sit on the blanket and wait. When it gets dark, the fire works in the sky. It is very noisy. Towards the end, the fire works come faster and bigger. The best fire works in Minnesota are in Hockensack.

(3) Halloween
Halloween is celebrated on October 31st. Most children dress up costumes and ring door bell and say “trick or treat” and get candies. People make or buy their children a costume for Halloween. The children will wear only once. It is sometimes very cold in Minnesota. So, the costume must be very big to fit over a winter jacket. But sometimes it is very warm. So, the costume should not be too warm. Planning costume is very difficult because weather is uncertainty. Then, children go to school, but most school will not allow children to ware their costume because other children are afraid. At five o’clock, the children go from door to door trick or treat with their parents. The neighbors love to see all the children in their very difficult costumes. Some children like to be scary, some like to be creative. Most parents stay home and children arrive at their house. My host children went to about 30 houses last year. They give candy to the “trick or treat”. In the old days, parents tricked the children or they gave candy to the children. But, now they only give candy.

(4) Thanksgiving
The American Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. Thanksgiving is a peculiarly America and Canada holiday. It is called Turkey Day. A long time ago, Puritans of the United Kingdom drifted to America after a grueling. Then, they were help from Indians. Thanksgiving originates from that they cooked crops, and they gave thanks for God's help with Indians next year. Typical foods are turkey, mashed potato, gravy, yams, beans and stuffing and more. Desserts are pumpkin pie, apple pie and other sweets. People get together with their family or relative and share daily thanks with them.

(5) Christmas
My host family decorates the whole house. They also decorated the Christmas tree with lights ornaments and garland. There are presents under the tree. Children receive presents from everyone and Santa Claus. Put up a wreath. In Christmas morning, the children run down stairs to see what Santa left. Santa’s presents are usually bigger and better. On Christmas Eve, you leave a plate of cookies and a glass of milk for Santa and carrots for reindeer. During the nights, Santa leave presents fills stocking and eats cookies. Santa comes down the chimney. Santa comes and has a big sack with more presents for each child sits on Santa’s lap and receives another present in Christmas day. For many people, Christmas is religious. Christmas celebrates Jesus Christ’s birthday. It is irrelevant to my host family because they are not Christians. But, for their family, it is important time because it is a day that my host parents and their relatives give their children many presents. Their children also love to see Santa and my host parents feel the excitement of children.

3. Conclusion
Every holiday seems very fun. My host family likes holiday so much. I heard it from my host family that it was Halloween in America the other day and a lot of fun. It really is the holiday my host family likes most. My host children were both Star Wars people. There are a lot of holidays in America and most American people spend Holidays with their family. I thought American people cherish time to spend with their families and holidays are important days dedicated to time with family. America also has culture of thanks by Thanksgivings. It is very important for us to express feeling of grateful. We can feel family warmth by holiday. Holidays are very important days.

[1004 words]

Essay 2-02b: My Language Learning Experience

I’m going to tell you about my language experience from elementary school to university. I have learned Japanese, English, Spanish and Korean. When I was 7 years old, I leaned foreign language for the first time. Foreign language is difficult for me to understand. However, I like to learn foreign language.

I went to English conversation school for five years when I was an elementary school student. There was the English conversation school near my house. My teacher was Australian and there are about ten people there. We learned alphabet and English words there. We had Christmas party and it was the most interesting thing. Then, we played games in English. I only remember playing twister. I really enjoyed playing this game. I also had English class in elementary school. I studied English words and alphabet. I liked the class because English teacher gave us candy every time. Of course, I studied Japanese. I memorized a lot of Chinese characters. I had difficulty with them.

When I was a junior high school student, I studied Japanese classics for the first time. I was poor at Japanese classics. It was difficult for me to understand it. I also had English class and I learned English using text books for the first time. I studied self introduction in English, English idioms and words. I had to recite two or three whole pages of a text book. Then, I had to present it in front of the teacher.

When I was a high school student, I studied classical Chinese for the first time. I also studied Japanese classics. I don’t like Japanese classics because it is difficult for me to understand them, but I like classical Chinese because I could understand stories. I was memorized a lot of Japanese classics words by a teacher. I had a test in classic class every time. When I made two mistakes answer, I had to do my homework. I took three hours doing the homework. I also had some English classes. I had English words test and had to prepare for lessons in Reading class every time. I was busy, but I liked English classes the best.

I study English in KGU now. I have Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking class. I like the course contents. For example, I read English papers in Reading class, and I write blog in English in Writing class. I also have two Korean classes now. I have already memorized all Hangul alphabets. So, I can read Hangul. It is not difficult for me to understand Korean such other languages. I am not good at Korean, but I like the Korean classes very much because it is so interesting. I want to become speak Korean. Recently, I like Tohoshinki. When I was first year in university, I studied Spanish. Thanks to the Spanish class, I could know about Spain and speak it a little. Spanish is more difficult than Korean.

I have learned various languages since I was born. I like English the best. So, I want to study English more and more. I also speak English with foreigner and want to speak fluent English. I'd like to go abroad sometime. Thank you for reading my essay.

[536 words]

Saturday, November 20, 2010

BR 2-05: Why the Sea is Salty

Long ago, the sea wasn’t salty like it is today. Once, it tasted sweet. It all began with a magic millstone. This millstone belonged to great King. Most millstones are used for making flour, but this millstone was different. It made gold and jewels or special spices or whatever the King asked for.

One day, a thief heard about the millstone. He went to palace because he wanted the millstone. He tiptoed into the King’s bedroom and reached under the bed. The thief hid the millstone under his cloak, and he ran away as fast as he could. He leaped into a boat and sailed away.

He thought some food would help him. He got out a bun and took a big bite. He thought that needs salt. He grinned and the millstone began to turn. Bright white salt poured out. The thief put some salt on his bun and munched away happily. Then, he fell asleep. All night long, the millstone kept turning. The pile of salt grew bigger and bigger.

When he got up, it was a huge heap of salt. The boat began to sink, lower and lower. And still the millstone kept turning. The boat sank. It took the magic millstone with it. There it has stayed, pouring out salt to this very day. And that is why the sea is salty.

Rojo, S. (2009). Why the Sea is Salty. America: Usborne Publishing Ltd..

[226 words]

Saturday, November 6, 2010

BR 2-04: The Reluctant Dragon

One evening, long ago, a shepherd ran home, terrified. He saw something terrible. It has long, sharp claws. It also has a long, pointy tail and shiny blue scales all over its body.

The next day, the boy set off up the hill to find the dragon. The dragon was friendly and he was thrilled to see the boy. The boy sat down and asked the dragon all kinds of questions. The dragon told stories of long, long ago. There were dangerous dragons everywhere. The boy came back every day hear the stories.

But then the villages found out about the dragon. Saint George the Dragon Killer wants to fight the dragon doesn’t like fighting. The boy hides in his cave he goes away. The boy said to George that the dragon wouldn’t hurt a fly, but everyone wants a fight. The dragon didn’t fight.

The villagers were happy and George was happy. The dragon was happiest of all. He had lots of new friends.

Grahame, K. (2009). The reluctant Dragon. America: Usborne Publishing Ltd..

[165 wors]

My favorite dish

My favorite dish is Japanese noodle. I especially like beef Japanese noodle. When I eat Japanese noodle, I always order beef Japanese noodle. Japanese noodle makes me happy because when I eat it, my heart become so warm. I like Japanese taste.

I also like tomato. I eat tomato almost every day. I ate tomato today. I especially like fresh tomato. Probably, I have liked tomato since I was very young. When I am asked about favorite food, I always answer tomato. I like dish with use tomato, I like fresh tomato the best. When I eat big fresh tomato, I become very happy. Tomato makes me so happy. It is very important for me to eat tomato in my life.

[121 words]

My favorite TV show

My favorite TV show is ‘Himitsuno kennminn show’. I watched this TV show today. It is very interesting TV show and it is introduce us about difference of prefecture. For example, Okinawa people of a prefecture eat spaghetti with toast. I have never watched this combination. Kochi people of a prefecture also eat stick of sweet potato. I have never eaten stick of sweet potato. So, I want to eat it sometime because it looked like so delicious when I watched this TV show today.

I want to know difference of prefecture. It is very interesting because we live in Japan but we have different habits by each prefecture. To know new things is very interesting and knowledge. I recommend you this TV show.

[124 words]

Saturday, October 23, 2010

BR 2-03: The Inch Prince

Once upon a time, there was a little old man and a little old woman. They lived in a tiny house by a river. The old man wished to have some children. He thought only a teeny child could fit in the tiny house.

At that moment, a fairy flew by. She waved her wand and whispered some magic words. Soon afterwards, they had a teeny weeny boy. He was just one inch tall. He was called Issun boshi.

Many years later, it was time for Issy to leave home. His parents gave him three presents for his journey. He had a rice bowl for a boat and a pair of chopsticks for oars and a needle for a sword. Issy set off down the river.

At last, Issy reached the emperor’s palace. He was asked by an emperor to look after Princess Chi-Chi. From then on, Issy never left the princess’s side. When they came to a dark forest, there was a terrifying roar. It was a giant ogre. The giant ogre scooped up Issy and the Princess. Issy took his needle sword and prick the ogre’s tongue. The ogre spat out Issy and ran off.

A could of magical stars shot swept around Issy. He was as big as the princess. They got married and lived in a house next to the palace.

Ward, M. (2009). The Inch Prince. America: Usborne Publishing Ltd..

[225 words]

Essay 2-02a: My Language Learning Experience

I’m going to tell you about my language experience from elementary school to university. I have learned Japanese, English, Spanish and Korean. When I was 7 years old, I leaned foreign language for the first time. Foreign language is difficult for me to understand. However, I like to learn foreign language.

I went to English conversation school for five years when I was an elementary school student. There was the English conversation school near my house. My teacher was Australian and there are about ten people there. We learned alphabet and English words there. We had Christmas party and it was the most interesting thing. Then, we played games in English. I only remember playing twister. I really enjoyed playing this game. I also had English class in elementary school. I studied English words and alphabet. I liked the class because English teacher gave us candy every time. Of course, I studied Japanese. I memorized a lot of Chinese characters. I had difficulty with them.

When I was a junior high school student, I studied Japanese classics for the first time. I was poor at Japanese classics. It was difficult for me to understand it. I also had English class and I learned English using text books for the first time. I studied self introduction in English, English idioms and words. I had to recite two or three whole pages of a text book. Then, I had to present it in front of the teacher.

When I was a high school student, I studied classical Chinese for the first time. I also studied Japanese classics. I don’t like Japanese classics, but I like classical Chinese because I could understand stories. I was memorized a lot of Japanese classics words by a teacher. I had a test in classic class every time. When I made two mistakes answer, I had to do my homework. I took three hours doing the homework. I also had some English classes. I had English words test and had to prepare for lessons in Reading class every time. I was busy, but I liked English classes the best.

I study English in KGU now. I have Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking class. I like the course contents. For example, I read English papers in Reading class, and I write blog in English in Writing class. I also have two Korean classes now. I have already memorized all Hangul alphabets. So, I can read Hangul. I like the Korean classes very much because it is so interesting. I want to become speak Korean. When I was first year in university, I studied Spanish. Thanks to the Spanish class, I could know about Spain and speak it a little.

I have learned various languages since I was born. I like English the best. So, I want to study English more and more. I also speak English with foreigner and want to speak fluent English. Thank you for reading my essay.

[492 words]

Friday, October 22, 2010

My Favorite Shoes

My favorite shoes are spiked shoes. My spiked shoes are Mizuno and Moreria Ⅱ. I play soccer three or four times a week. I have used Moreria Ⅱsince I was 12 years old. It is made from kangaroo's leather and very light. I like it so much because it is easy for me to kick balls. A lot of professional soccer players also use it. However, it has a problem. It is expensive because it is over 10000 yen. I want it to cheaper.

I thank to it because it makes my feet save every time. Probably, I will use it until I stop soccer. If new and so cool spiked shoes are sold, I use Moreria Ⅱ. My Moreria Ⅱ lose points. So, I'd like to buy it.

[128 words]

Thursday, October 21, 2010

My Favorie Class

My favorite class is Speaking because it is very interesting. We have five groups in speaking class. A teacher asks question to us. Then, we think the answer each group. I remember a question. It is the question about what is the only sure thing in life. We answered myself, family, money and so on. However, the answer was death. Nobody can answer. I like to think answer with my group.

Last time, we got papers. The papers were written a name, family, age and so on. Then, we asked about 20 people the name, family, age, and we found each family. I really enjoyed this game. I'd like to play this game again. Recently, Speaking class is very interesting.

[121 words]

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Outline: My language learning experience

My language learning experience

  • Elementary school
    • English
      • English conversation
    • Japanese
  • Junior high school
    • English
    • Japanese
  • High school
    • English
    • Japanese
  • University
    • English
      • Speaking
      • Writing
      • Listening
      • Reading
      • go to Minnesota
    • Spanish
    • Korean
      • have Korean friends
(35 words)

My language learning experience

Here is my beautiful mindmap. It shows my language learning experience from elementary school to university.

(16 words)

My language learning experience

I went to Minnesota this summer, and I learned English there. I studied English in the Bethel University. My teacher, Peggy told us about Minnesota and America. I was interested in American joke.

My host family also told me English. My host family especially told me everyday conversation. I watched Pokemon on TV with my host children. And I watched Disney movie in a park. They are all English and there is no caption, I could understand their stories. I was really enjoyed them.

(82 words)


I am going tell you about Christmas in America.

My host family decorates the whole house. They also decorated the Christmas tree with lights ornaments and garland. Under the tree are presents. You receive presents from everyone and Santa Claus. Put up a wreath. Christmas morning, the children run down stairs to see what Santa left. Usually Santa’s presents are bigger and better.

In Christmas Eve, you leave a plate of cookies and glass of milk for Santa and carrot for reindeer. During nights, Santa leave presents fills stocking and eats cookies. Santa comes down the chimney. Santa comes and has a big sack with more presents for each child sits on Santa’s lap and receives another present in Christmas day.

For many people, Christmas is religious. It is the celebration Jesus Christ’s birthday. For my host family, it is not. But, their family, it is important time. For the children, it is about it is about giving and receiving many presents. The children love to see Santa and feel the excitement of children.

(172 words)

Friday, October 15, 2010

My Favorite Music

My favorite music is J-pop. I especially like AKB48. Probably I listen to the music everyday. AKB48 is Japanese idol group and they give a performance at Akihabara almost every day. They are split into three groups. The three groups give performances alternately. I have never watched the performance at Akihabara. I'd like to go there because I heard that there are some dreams in the stage. I want to know the dreams. They close to fan. I have been to their concert three times. Then, I got energy from them. Recently, they appear on TV almost every day. When I watch them, I think I try to hard everything more. I hope that they want to big more. And I want them to give dreams for a lot of people.

[131 words]

Friday, October 8, 2010

My Favorite Car

My favorite car is Pino because my car is Pino. My car is beige and small. I love my car. My car is so cute. My parents bought it for me. But, When I graduate from university and start to work, I will have to pay my parents back the money. So, I will hard to work.

I drive the car from my home to Higo Ozu station almost every day. I also drive it when I go to soccer ground. When I drive a car, I always listen to my favorite music. So, I enjoy driving. I have driven it about for a year, but I have never hit it. Probably, my drive is safety. But, I want to be careful traffic accident.

[124 words]

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Essay 2-01b: My Favorite Place

My favorite place is high school. I went to Ozu high school. I could make a lot of memorize there. My high school makes me relax and it is a place with a good atmosphere. I'm going to introduce you about it.

First, I like fall because my high school has an athletic meet, a school festival and challenge meeting. Then, we come to life and catch the warm mood of these all over the school. We run 42.195 kilometer in challenge meeting. I liked to watch someone struggle to run out. If I have a chance, I'd like to run again. I experienced these school events and I could feel blossom of youth. I went to an athletic meet this past September. Then, I could see a lot of smiles there and I thought again my high school is a favorite place.

Second, there are a lot of maidenhair trees in my high school. In fall, the leaves have turned yellow. They are so beautiful and made us feel the arrival of fall. In the end of fall or in winter, yellow leaves fall from the trees. Then, we can see yellow carpet at the school. When I walked there, I felt as if I really walk on yellow carpet. I think it is the most beautiful yellow carpet I've ever seen. It is the most favorite place in my high school. I didn't see it about 2 years. However, I still remember the scene when I walked there talking with my friends.

Third, my high school is caught on club activities. After school, most students go to club activities. Soccer club is very strong and there are over 100 people in soccer club. Then, various voices vibrate whole school. I heard voice of exercises, call people, count, staff advisers to the club activities and so on. Everyone has a sparkle in his or her eyes. When I heard these voices, I always felt blossom of youth.

My high school made me feel blossom of youth. After I graduated from it, I sometimes went there. But, it was same as before and it was a place that is a warm, sociable and bursting with vitality. As you can see Ozu high school makes me feel these mind is my favorite place. If you have free time, please come to Ozu high school.

(406 words)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


When I went to Minnesota, my host family told me about holiday in America. America has special holidays. So, I'm going tell you about them. Today I will tell you about Easter.

Date of Easter different every year. More specifically, people celebrate Easter between in March 22nd to in April 25th. Before Easter people hard boil eggs, then people color them. Easter eggs usually are full of candy. My host family usually doesn't get together with their family. An Easter bunny comes at night. He hides eggs filed with candy in the house. He also leaves an Easter basket filled with sweets and small toys.

[105 words]

BR 2-02: Stories of Dolls

Amy and Tina loved Cherry Tree Cottage. Molly is the best doll's owner. Cordelia had golden curls tied up with a shiny clip and a dress that sparkled with sequins. Amy and Tina clean rooms but Cordelia never help clean or tidy. Then, she was brushing her hair.

One day, Molly carefully picked up the dolls and put them in her basket and took them all on a picnic. A magpie flies the sky and he had spotted Cordelia. The next moment, he swooped down and snatched Cordelia up in his claws. The magpie dropped Cordelia into his spiky nest.She spent all day in the nest, feeling lonelier and lonelier.

When he took her home, her curls were ragged and wild and her dress was dirty and torn. Molly cried and carefully tucking her into bed.

Wanert, A. (2006). Stories of Dols. America : Usborne Publishing Ltd..

[136 words]

Monday, October 4, 2010

Essay 2-01a: My Favorite Place

My favorite place is high school. I went to Ozu high school. I could make a lot of memorize there. My high school makes me relax and it is a place with a good atmosphere. I'm going to introduce you about it.

First, I like fall because my high school has an athletic meet, a school festival and challenge meeting. Then, we come to life and catch the warm mood of these all over the school. We run 42.195 kilometer in challenge meeting. I liked to watch someone struggle to run out. I experienced these school events and I could feel blossom of youth. I went to an athletic meet this past September. Then, I could see a lot of smiles there and I thought again My high school is a favorite place.

Second, there are a lot of maidenhair trees in my high school. In fall, the leaves have turned yellow. They are so beautiful and made us feel the arrival of fall. In the end of fall or in winter, yellow leaves fall from the trees. Then, we can see yellow carpet at the school. When I walked there, I felt as if I really walk on yellow carpet. I think it is the most beautiful yellow carpet I've ever seen. It is the most favorite place in my high school. I didn't see it about 2 years. However, I still remember the scene when I walked there talking with my friends.

Third, my high school is caught on club activities. After school, most students go to club activities. Then, various voices vibrate whole school. I heard voice of exercises, call people, count, staff advisers to the club activities and so on. Everyone has a sparkle in his or her eyes. When I heard these voices, I always felt blossom of youth.

My high school made me feel blossom of youth. After I graduated from it, I sometimes went there. But, it was same as before and it was place that is a warm, sociable and bursting with vitality. As you can see Ozu high school makes me feel these mind is my favorite place. If you have free time, please come to Ozu high school.

[369 words]

Friday, October 1, 2010

My Favorite Drink

My favorite drink is barley tea. I like juice, but I like barley tea the best of all the drinks. So, I drink it every day and bring it to school. Probably, a lot of Japanese people like barley tea because when most Japanese people eat meals, they drink tea. Tea is necessary drink in Japanese life.

I also like orange juice. After I play soccer, I often drink 100 percent orange juice. 100 percent orange juice contains nutritional elements that are effective in relieving fatigue, and it is very important for soccer players to drink it because soccer players are cause produce arthritis. Orange juice contains citric acid and fruit sugar. I recommend you to drink 100 percent orange juice after exercise.

[123 words]

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My American Friend

I made a fiend in Minnesota. When I went to a pool, I met her, and she talked to me first. She is a life saver of the pool during summer vacation.Her name is Natasha. She is 20 years old and go to Minnesota university. I talked about japan and Minnesota with her. She is interested in Japan. When I heard it, I was happy.

I went Japanese restaurant with her. I ate a pork cutlet and she ate grilled chickens. It was so delicious. I knew I like Japanese taste.
I was surprised because some people ate miso soup using spoon. I watched the scene for the first time. I was so surprised it.
She treated me the dinner.

Little did I know that I made a friend of American teenager. So, I was glad to see her. I hope to see her again someday.

142 words

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Historic Museum

I went to Historic museum with my host family in this summer. We watched old bathroom, bed, kitchen and medicine. I and my host kids joined demostration of soldier. We really enjoyed it.


BR 2-01: The Peach Boy

This story is about an old woman, an old man, an enormous peach, a brave little boy, a dog, a monkey and a pheasant. The old woman and man lived by a river. One morning, she saw something floating on the river. It was the biggest peach she had ever seen. She rolled it home. And he started to cut it open. Inside, there was a little boy. They called him Peach boy. Peach Boy grew up quickly.

One day, Peach Boy came to a nearby village. The people cried because giant ogres came and took all their jewels. Peach Boy had made up his mind that he will get them back. His father gave Peach Boy his finest sword, and his mother gave him six dumplings to eat on the way.

Peach Boy gave dog, a monkey and a pheasant each the dumpling and they promised him that they help him fight the ores. They went to Ogre Island, and they battled Ogres. Then, a fierce battle broke out. And he gave Peach Boy back the stolen jewels, and some food and the four friends.

Murphy, K. (2009). The Peach Boy. America: Usborne Publishing Ltd..

[186 words]

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My favorite Sport to Watch

My favorite sport to watch is figure skating. I often watch it in winter. My favorite figure skater is Mao Asada. She is same age with me. I love her skating because her skating is so beautiful. When I watch her skating, I am always fascinated with her.

I especially like her jump. She can jump 3 and half revolutions on skating rink. She is a wonderful figure skater. I can't jump 3 and half revolutions on ground. I can only 1 revolution. So, I respect her.

I really enjoyed winter Olympic. I could watch great match on TV. Their skating moved me and a lot of people all over the world. I am forward to watching next winter Olympic. I want Mao Asada to win it.


Monday, September 20, 2010

My Favorite Elementary School Memory

My favorite elementary school memory is to go to Nagasaki for the school trip. I learn about World War II there. I hear about World War II from people who endured the miseries of it and. I knew grief that war causes and impact of war on society. I also went to peace memorial park, and sang songs and offer a silent prayer for the dead there.

I ate Nagasaki sara udon. It was so delicious. It was the best sara uson I have ever eaten. I want to eat it in Nagasaki.

I went to Huis ten bosch. There are some attractions and I enjoyed them. I also tried sample cheesecake. It is so delicious. So, I buy it as a souvenir for my family.

I went to Nagasaki for the school trip 8 years ago, But I remember the event clearly.


My Favorite Season

My favorite season is autumn. There are three reasons.

First of all, autumnal sky is so beautiful. I especially like the sky dyed red by the sunset. I think autumnal sunset is the most beautiful in all seasons. I often watch the sunset in autumn.

Second, food is so delicious. There are a lot of delicious foods in autumn. For example, persimmon, pear, chestnut, matsutake. I have some great fall food.

Third, the leaves turn yellow and red in the fall. Japanese are proud of the autumn colors in Kyoto, and like to show them off to the rest of the world. I have never been to Kyoto. So, I go to Kyoto and I'd like to see autumn colors.

Japan move into the fall. I want to watch autumn colors and eat a lot of fall food soon.


My Favorite Motto

My soccer team's motto is 3S. 3S is seriousness, sympathy and smile. Seriousness is that we give 120% of our energy at practice and 100% of our energy at a game. It is so important for us to hang on with all our might.

Sympathy is that we reflect what can we do for our team, and we should always show consideration for our team and members. All for one and one for all. I reflect how one may serve someone better in the future.

Smile is that we can put on smiles even in hard times and happy. I think smile can make put a smile on someone's face. We keep our motto and call all our strength into play to soccer.


Saturday, September 18, 2010

My Favorite Vacation Memory

My favorite vacation memory was to go to Minnesota in this summer. I had stayed there about for a month. My host family has four people and there are a father, mother and two kids. My host family is so kind and two kids are so cute. I played soccer and dance game and watched movies and swam in a pool and lakes with my host family. I really enjoyed American life.

I also went to Bethel university and studied English and about Minnesota. The program benefited me. I knew my English is very poor. So, I study English more and I want to speak it more and more.

I ate a lot of American food. The most delicious American food was pizza. American pizza was more delicious than Japanese ones.
I'd like to go to Minnesota sometime and see host family.


My Favorite High School Memory

My favorite high school memory is club activities. I belonged to a soccer club and I devoted myself to activities when I was a high school student. We practiced soccer almost every day. I could learn a lot of things. For example, I learned about importance of effort and teamwork. Effort does not lead directly to success. However, I think I never get anywhere without trying and I get nothing for free. Teamwork is very important for us because soccer is a team sport. We can't play soccer alone.

When I belonged to the soccer club, I was in flush of youth. I experienced both hard things and good things. I had a bitter experience, but I could go forward even in hard times. Soccer club is the best memory in high school.


Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I really enjoyed my life in Minnesota. Before I go here, I worried about American life. However tension melted because my host family was very kind. They told me a lot of things and took me various things.

I went to pool, lake, flour museum, historic museum. The pool is near my host family's house. Most nights we went to the pool. We played some games in the pool. I really enjoyed those games. And I made a friend there. I talked about Japan, Minnesota and America. Little did I know that I made a friend of American teenager. So, I was very happy.

I ate many American food at home. I had never eaten some American food before I went to Minnesota. Every food witch my host mother made were very good. After dinner, I played with my host sister and brother. They are children full of vigor. I like children, but recently I have no chance to play with children. So, I was glad to play with them. My best experience was playing soccer with my host family in back yard. I love soccer. I played soccer with foreigner for the first time. I had precious experience in my soccer life.

I was surprised at bath room, big road, 10,000 lakes, big house and yard. I could realize American keenly.

As you can see, I could make pleasant memories in Minnesota. And I met a lot of people here. If I didn't go here, I could never meet them. So, I want to treasure thesemeetings here. Thank you so much, Minnesota.


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

What I expect

I expect to learn a lot of things. For example, I expect to learn culture, life and communication in English. I want to get along with host family. When I return Japan, I will write about my experiences overseas in my blog.

[42 words]

preparation for studies overseas

I could write a lot of sentences in this class, and I remembered many grammars. So, I can often exchange e-mails with my host family smoothly. However, I worry about talking with host family.

[34 words]

My goals for Minnesota

While I am overseas, I plan to swim in the sea or pool, study English and eat many foods with host family. I would like to do a lot of things there what I have never experienced in Japan. I also plan to play soccer with kids in big garden. I’m looking forward to seeing with host family.

[58 words]

Thursday, July 15, 2010


I went to Tokyo with my friend last Saturday because I watch a concert. We left about 9 and went to Tokyo. Then, we went to Odaiba. We had lunch in a restaurant. We could see sea and beach there. I felt a kindly breeze. Then, we went to Yoyogi gym because we get concert goods. However, we didn't buy concert goods because there are a lot of people. Probably, there are more than 3000 people. Then, we went to Sibuya and my friend bought clothes in 109. Then, we went to Takeshita street.

Then, we went to Yoyogi gym at 5. The concert began from 6. I was so excited because I could see my favorite singer. Everyone was so cool and cute. There performances moved really me and a lot of fans. July 10th is the birthday of celebrity a member. So, we all sang a birthday song and kept her birthday. She was very happy this surprise. I also felt happy. I enjoyed the concert and the concert became a cherished memory in my life. After the concert, we bought concert goods. I bought towel.

Next day, we got up about 7 and we had breakfast. We left a hotel before 8. Then, we went to Yoyogi gym to buy concert goods. We stood in line for about 3 hours. When we were standing the line, we listened their rehearsal out of Yoyogi line, we listened their rehearsal outside the Yoyogi gym. I was so excited. We bought 3 concert goods each other.

Then, we went to Akihabara and Asakusa. I was in Asakusa for the first time. I thought Asakusa is historical townscape. I watched Kaminarimon, and took pictures.
We ate buckwheat and dumplings. They were so delicious.

Then, we backed Kumamoto. This Tokyo trip was became great memories in my life. And, I became love the group more. I want to go concert again. Their shining aspects were impressed me. They live life to the extreme to make each dreams reality. I support them in the future.

[342 words]

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


My home

bath room
my room
living room
TV game
my bed


Tuesday, July 6, 2010


I have 3 tests this week. I have to study hard, but I feel strangely dull. Ah, I am sleepy.

20 words

Monday, July 5, 2010

second game

I played a football match yesterday. We won the game and the score was 2 to 0. I didn't score a goal, but I recorded an assist in the game. I was happy that I recorded an assist. However, it is regrettable that I didn't score a goal. I aim to score 8 goals in 4 games. I only scored 2 goals in 2 games. So, I have to score 6 goals in 2 games. I try header!! My team aims at full victory and we won all games now. We use good coordination between DF, MF and FW more and I want to aim the top.

My team is a close knit team. I think if we never give up until finish games, we can aim at full victory. Yes, we can!!!

133 words

Friday, July 2, 2010


Japan has four seasons in a year.

First, spring. A lot of cherry trees come out in spring. The cherry blossom is the national flower of Japan. I went out to see the cherry blossoms. Many flowers also come out. They are so beautiful.

Second, summer. Many pople go bathing in seas and pools. We also go to summer festivals. Many boothes are opened there and I often eat a shaved ice. It is so delicious. I also like to watch rocket there. Rocket makes me happy.

Third, fall. My favorite season is fall because my birthday is in fall. And, Food is so delicious. I especially like persimmons, pears and chestnuts. Many leaves turn in autumn. Trees aflame with red and yellow leaves are so beautiful.

Finally, winter. It snow in winter and grounds are covered with snow. We can go skiing, snowboarding and skating. I went skating once a year when I was an elementary school student. I like skating very much. I want to go Sapporo snow festival because craftsman makes building, character or person by snow. I also want to enter a kamakura.

Japan has four seasons in a year.

As you can see, We can various sights in a year.

198 words

Football game

I played a football game last Sunday. My team won and the score was 6 to 0. I scored 2 goals, but I didn't satisfy about substance of the game because I didn't score a goal easily. My shots often hit goal post. And I had some miss passes and I lost stamina in the latter part of the game. I felt frustrated. I don't forget this chagrin, and I want to do my beat next. We have a game this Sunday. Win the game!!!

85 words


I caught cold yesterday. I don't have a weak chest. I catch a cold about once a year. I often catch a cold this season. I have to get enough sleep off a cold because I have a football game this Sunday.

42 words

Vacation plans

I will go to America in my summer vacation. I will go Minnesota for a month. I will stay with a family. My host family has four people and kids are two. Kids play soccer and I heard they are looking forward to playing soccer with me. I was excited at the news. I have some anxiety about foreign life. I worry about communication. I try to speak in English a lot to my host family. I heard my host family will take me to pool, camp and Mole of America. I have hopes and fears. I want to spend a great time.

103 words

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

BR 1-14: Stories Of Haunted Houses

I read 'STORIES OF HAUNTED HOUSES'. A spooky welcome awaits you at these hair-raising haunts. Explore the dungeons of Chillmore Castle. Help the Spook Spotters find the ghosts of Grimly Grange. And track down a spectre's treasure at The Highwayman's Halt.

I thought every ghost is very kind. I don't like scary stories, but this story was not scary. So, I could finish to read this book.

I want to see a kind ghost and get friendly because I have never seen a ghost. But, if I see a ghost, I might run away soon.

Punter, R. (2005). STORIES OF HAUNTED HOUSES . America: Usborne Publishing Ltd..

95 words

Monday, June 28, 2010

My host family

Today, I knew my host family. I got e-mail from my host family. I will introduce you about my host family. My host family has a father, mother, sister and brother. The girl is 7 years old and she has playing soccer for 2 years. She likes to sing, loves Hannah Montana and enjoys dance class.

The boy is 5 years old, he also play soccer and likes trains, cars and computer games. I heard that they are looking forward to playing soccer with me. When I read the e-mail, I was so excited.

Father is Dutch. He speaks Dutch with the Children. He does a lot of biking as he bikes to and from work everyday. He has only lived in the US for 5 years now as they moved there from the Netherlands after the kids were born. He used to play field hockey and likes reading.

Mother is from US. She has lived around the world, including Japan for awhile. She played soccer for many years, including when she was in high school and currently coach.

There is a very nice yard in their home. They live in a suburb, so they have a large yard. Father doesn't like that because there are a lot of yard works, but mother likes it because kids can play soccer there. I want to play soccer together. They don't have flowers though.

Most nights, if the weather is nice, they go to a small beach sand bottom pool. I will bring a swimsuit. They might choose to go camping while I am there if I am comfortable with that and if they find the time! Mother will also make sure to take me to the Mall of America, but they are walking distance from the Eden Prairie Mall as well.

The kids have made me the attached pictures. They moved me because they were so cute.
I am looking forward to seeing them!

323 words

Sunday, June 27, 2010

World Cup

I have not watched games of Japan in real time yet because games started late time and I went to bed already. I wanted to watch games, but I got sleepy and I lost it. However, I watched highlights. So, I could watch scores scene. Honda and Endo were wonderful. Their direct free kicks were moved me. When Honda opened the scoring by sending in a free kick into the first half, I was especially excited. I think Honda and Endo are set-piece specialist. I want to watch wonderful free kicks again.

I watched games of other countries. I watched game of Nether lands versus Denmark. Pass soccer of Nether lands moved me. Their passes were so wonderful. I think those good coordination can't without each other's trusts. I also watched a game of Argentina. Messi is a so great player. His dribbles are sticking to his feet. That is wonderful.

I want to watch a game of Japan next because Japan advanced to the final tournaments.
I want Japan to win Paraguay. Fight Japan!!! I support Japan varsity with all my force.


Friday, June 25, 2010

About blogging

I wrote blog in Writing class for the first time. Probably, if I don't start blog in Writing class, I will never write blog because I didn't like to write blog. However, since I start my blog, I became like to write blog. It is difficult for me to write blog in English, but I can learn English grammars. I also like to read blog of my friends. My friend's blog are so interesting. I want to write interesting blog and paste a lot of pictures like my friends. I also like to read blogs of entertainer. When I read them, I can sometimes learn important things.


Thursday, June 24, 2010

My high school

I went to Ozu high school. Osu high school is famous for sports and soccer club and basketball are especially strong and famous. My high school is aiming first prize of both literary and military arts.

My high school has two school events. First, we have a physical education festival in September. Mainly, I practice Daikou and radio gymnastics. Dikou gymnastics are special gymnastics of Ozu high school. Teachers were very harsh toward us. We got yelled at by teachers when we couldn't match movement properly. If our arms are not level, we are done push-ups as punishment. We succeeded a physical education festival through our effort.

Second, we have a school festival. I opened a shop with classmate when I was in second grade. We sold Mr. Doughnut. Some students danced hip-hop and sang songs. When I watched them, I was greatly touched by their performances. I was so moved that I goose bumps. Teachers also sang songs and they were so interesting.

I spent great time in Ozu high school. I never forget these precious memories forever.
I love Ozu high school!


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Korean movie

I watched Korean movie in the Korean class last week and today. However, I forgot title of movie. The movie is about a singer who had plastic surgery. Main character is Kanna and she was a fat and no beautiful woman. She is a singer, but she had never sung songs on a stage. Another singer stood on the stage instead of Kanna and she sang songs on the back of stage. She have beautiful her singing voice. However, she couldn't stand the stage because she is a fat and no beautiful woman.

Suddenly, she went to somewhere to have plastic surgery. She became so beautiful. Producer didn't know where she went to. He looked for her, but he didn't find her.

Then, she heard that previous producer was finding a singer instead of Kanna. She had an audition for singer. He didn't notice that she is Kannna. She passed the audition and came out. Then, she fell in love with the producer. However, he didn't like plastic surgery. So, she didn't say that she is Kannna and had plastic surgery.

Then, he noticed that she is Kanna. Managing director knew about it. Managing director said she will not stand the stage. However, she stood the stage. Then, she told to fan about plastic surgery. Fans were surprised, but they received her warmly.
Then, she sang a song with beautiful her singing voice.

This movie was so interesting. I heard that Many Korean have plastic surgery and try to beautiful or cool. Korea have a culture of plastic surgery. However, I think I want to take care of my natural body forever because my body was given by my parents.


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

BR 1-13: The Twelve Dancing Princesses

I read 'The Twelve Dancing Princesses'. Princesses are supposed to be quiet and well behaved, but the twelve princesses in this story like to have fun. When their father finds out they have been sneaking off at night to go dancing, he is furious. "Dancing is banned!" he declares. But they didn't stop dancing.

Lastly, hundreds of candles lit up the dance floor and in the corner a band was playing a lively turn. They were all still dancing the following night.

All princesses are so cute. I read this book. I thought I want to dance. This book was interesting.

Helbrough, E. (2005). The Twelve Dancing Princesses. America: Usborne Publishing Ltd..


My preschool

I went to Sugimizu preschool for 4 years. I often exercised on the bar and I was good at it. I was especially good at doing forward upward circling. Nobody taught me how to do forward upward circling. I don't know why I could do forward upward circling.

I also played with the sand with my friends. We often made a mountain with sands and holed tunnels through a mountain. Then, we poured out some water. It was so interesting.

I like to eat school lunch because it was so delicious. I especially liked curry. Every one of school lunches of my preschool was so delicious.
After lunch, I took a nap until 3 o'clock. Then I ate snacks and I played outside.

I spent a great time. I never forget memories of preschool. I love Sugimizu preschool!

138 words

Monday, June 21, 2010


I'm going tell you Ozu town. I have lived in Ozu since I was born. Ozu is situated near Aso. There are a lot of delicious foods. Sweet potato is a special product of Ozu. It is so delicious. It was served for school lunch. I like sweet potato very much. And, water in Ozu is so delicious. I recommend you to eat sweet potato and drink water of Ozu.

There are also beautiful natures. For example, there are a lot of flowers. They are so beautiful. I think cherry blossoms are the most beautiful in Ozu. So, I am impatient for spring. I want to go out see the cherry blossoms at Ozu next spring.

Summer festivals are held in August. I go to summer festivals with my friends almost every year. There are haunted houses in these summer festivals. They are scary a little. And, there are a lot of booths. I eat a shaved ice every time and I especially like Hawaiian blue. I love summer festival.

Did you understand about Ozu? Osu is good town.
If you have never gone to Ozu, come to Ozu.

190 words

Sunday, June 20, 2010

BR 1-12: A. Christmas Carol

I read 'A. Christmas Carol'. Scrooge is the meanest old man you are likely to meet and his story opens on a winter's day as cold as his heart. But Scrooge is in for a shock. In this retelling of classic tale by Charles Dickens, three Christmas spirits the Scrooge on a ghostly journey thought life. Coming face to face with his past and present is bad enough, but what of his terrifying future?

Three spirits visited Scrooge. These spirits are three kinds and there are spirits of past and present future.

I knew Christmas Carol, but I didn't know matter. I read this book and I could understand matter a little. When I read Christmas Carol, I remembered a song which is Christmas Carol.

Dickens, C. (2003). A. Christmas Carol. London: Usborne Publishing Ltd..

126 words

BR 1-11: Black Beauty

I read 'Black Beauty'. When the young black beauty is sold, he has no idea of the hardships he is about to face. Read his story in own words as Black Beauty overcomes danger and cruelty, working at everything from pulling cabs in a smog-filled city to carriages in a country.

Black Beauty spent hard times. I was sad because Black Beauty sold any times. And Black Beauty sold low price. Black Beauty finally fell down over work.

I thought human beings have to cherish animals because animals weaker than human beings. I don't have a pet. If I buy a pet, I want to have a horse. I want to ride on a horse and run grassland. This is ay small dream.

Sewell, A. (2005). Black Beauty. America: Usborne Publishing Ltd..

123 words

Practice game

I woke up about 7 o'clock and went to Kikuyou kita elementary school to play practice games with Kikuyou junior school students and Kuresto at 10 o'clock. I got soaked to the skin because it rained heavily today. This practice game was 20 minutes and we played practice games eight times. My team won all games. Probably, I scored 10 goals.

However, I sometimes misplayed passes and missed goals. A miss is deadly and we will lose a game. So, I try to reduce misses next time. I could learn a lot of things. I try not to forget this experience.

I was tired because we played soccer for about 6 hours. I backed home and my tired muscles relaxed in a hot bath. I think I will sleep off the fatigue of many hours of play soccer.

We have regular games next week and the week after next. I put my good experience of today's soccer account and we win regular games. Yes we can! We will do our best!

172 words

Saturday, June 19, 2010


I woke up at 7 o'clock, and I ate a slice of bread, a yogurt and some watermelon. I left home at about 9 o'clock. I went to Kikuyou kita elementary school and played soccer. Today was hot and humid. When I played soccer, I was sweating all over. I finished soccer at 1 o'clock.

After I backed home, I took a shower and ate lunch. I ate noodle. And I slept for an hour. Then, I woke up about 3 o'clock and did my homework a little. Then, I went to Kikyou kita elementary school again. And then, I helped to cook dinner with my seniors because soccer members who are Kikuyou junior high school stayed in a camp for training. We cooked curry, mixed salad, fried up chicken and pork, cut melon, and steamed about thirty ears of corn. They were very delicious.

After dinner, we washed dishes. Then, I and my seniors backed home. Then, I watched World Cup. It was Japan versus Nether lands foot ball game. Japan lost a match. I want Japan to win next match. Then, I went to bed.

Today was so busy day, but led a full day. Tomorrow will be busy day.

202 words

Friday, June 18, 2010

About my keitai

I had a keitai for the first time when I was 15 years old. I have used this keitai for about 4 years. When I was 16 years old, I bought it. My keitai is Docomo and it is white. I like my keitai because it is easy to use for me. However, my keitai doesn't have TV and I can't watch You tube on the keitai. It is inconvenient a little. I often send e-mails to my friends, watch blogs of TV personalities and listen to music. Keitai is so convenient. I may not exist without keitai. However, perhaps I may exist without keitai.


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Koren friends

I have Korean friends who went to KGU last year. They are called Hyori, Unhi, Minchan, Sonjyan and Acchi by everyone. We are all good friends. I am the best friend of Hyori. When I met her for the first time, I thought she is not Korean. She looked like Japanese because she was fluent in Japanese. I surprised her Japanese.

I spoke various things in Japanese or English with her. I learned about Korea and I taught her about Japan. Thanks to her, I can speak Korean a little. I introduced myself to Hyori's father in Korean.

I often went to a dormitory with a Japanese friend. Then, I met other Korean. We played TV games together and they cooked Korean food for us. The Korean foods were so delicious, but they were hot a little.

Now, they are in Korea and I can't see them. I am so sad. So, I often use skype and I chat my Korean friends in Japanese. They don't forget Japanese. Hyori is finding a job and other go to a university in Korea. I would like to see them again.

I have Korean classes in the university because I want to speak with them in Korean. I am interested in Korea. I love Korea. Recently, I memorized Korean alphabets. So, I can read them. I study Korean more and more, and want to speak fluent Korean someday.


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Quickpost about voice recording: experience/outcomes

I recorded my voice at the Writing class. I recorded my voice for the first time. I repeated voice recording many times because I made mistake many many times. I enjoyed recording, but I felt shame a little. I want to record my voice next time.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My soccer life

I began to play soccer because I was invited by my friend when I was seven years old. I belonged to 4 soccer team until now.

First, I belonged to Ozu FC for 2 years and I played soccer with boys. I enjoyed play soccer in the noon recess of school with boys every day because I was addicted to play soccer. I also touched a ball at home alone. I liked soccer very much anything else.

Second, when I was 9 years old, I entered Mothers Kumamoto FC. The team is only girls. I learned a lot of things in this team. When I lost a game, I felt frustrated. However, when I won a game, I was very happy and exciting. I could feel both heart and I think I grew up to be a strong person. I belonged to this team when I was 15 years old and got an excellent prize and won the Kyushu tournament. These events will always remain in my memory.

Third, when I entered Ozu high school, I belonged to a soccer club. After seniors withdrew from the soccer club, I became captain of this soccer club. Leading the team was hard work. However, I could stay to the end because everyone followed me.

Finally, I belong to Kikuyo FC 2010 now. This team was made from April and I was appointed a captain. This team is 15 members who are from 15 years old to 24 years old. I am just the middle. We have a first game on Jun 27th. I will do my best and win the game.

I love soccer. Soccer is the best sport inside me. So, I make an effort and want to play soccer well more and more. And, I want to lead the team to win games.


Friday, June 11, 2010

Using the computer

I often use a computer in the university and my home, but I'm not good at using computer. I might have no sense of machine. I often use skype and I chat my Korean friends. We report recent our daily life each other. When I chat, I'm so happy. I want to see them soon. I also use You tube and watch a lot of animations. I often watch my favorite singers. Watching to You tube relaxes me. When I tired from studies, I watch You tube and take a short rest. I think computers are very convenient machine.


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Essay 1-01c: Voice message to family

Here is massage for my host family. I recorded it last week. I talk about myself, my favorite things and my family.

Thank you for listening. Please comment or question on this recording.


Sunday, June 6, 2010

BR 1-10: The Snow Queen

Davidson, S. (2007). Srories of Magic Ponies. America: Usborne Publishing Ltd..

I read 'The Snow Queen'. Gerda and Kay are best friends, until Kay suddenly changes. Then he is kidnapped the wicked Snow Queen and everyone thinks he is lost forever. But Gerda is determined to rescue him. Follow her, in this retelling of the classic tale by Hans Christian Andersen, as she sets out on a lonely, dangerous quest to the north.

I thought Gerda has courage because she rescued him. Kay is a best friend to Gerda, but I looked like a boyfriend. If I am Gerda, I may not rescue Key alone because I don't have courage as Gerda.
